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VB code
Option ExplicitDim strA() As String'采用冒泡排序,从小到大排序Private Sub Command1_Click()    Dim intP As Integer    Dim intT As Integer    Dim strTemp As StringOn Error GoTo errSub    For intP = LBound(strA) To UBound(strA) - 1        For intT = LBound(strA) To UBound(strA) - 1            If Val(strA(intT)) > Val(strA(intT + 1)) Then                '如果前一个元素大于后一个元素,那么交换他们                strTemp = strA(intT)                strA(intT) = strA(intT + 1)                strA(intT + 1) = strTemp            End If        Next intT    Next intP    For intP = LBound(strA) To UBound(strA)        Text2.Text = Text2.Text & strA(intP) & " "    Next intP    Exit SuberrSub:    Debug.Print Err.DescriptionEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()    Dim intP As Integer    Label1.Caption = "排序前:"    Label2.Caption = "排序后:"    Command1.Caption = "排序"    Text1.Text = ""    Text2.Text = ""    strA = Split("1,2,8,7,9,9,8,7,1,2,9,5,0", ",")    For intP = LBound(strA) To UBound(strA)        Text1.Text = Text1.Text & strA(intP) & " "    Next intPEnd Sub
VB code
'调用示例Private Sub Command1_Click()    Dim str_out As String        Text1.Text = "1,2,8,7,9,9,8,7,1,2,9,5,0"        Process Text1.Text, ",", str_outEnd Sub'str_in 输入输出字符串'count  要拼接的个数's_join 用于拼接的字符串Private Sub MJoin(ByRef str_in As String, ByVal count As Long, ByVal s_join As String)    Dim i As Long        For i = 1 To count        str_in = str_in & s_join    Next    Debug.Print str_inEnd Sub'str_in  要处理的字符串's_plit  字符串中用的分隔符'str_out 输出结果Private Sub Process(ByVal str_in As String, ByVal s_split As String, ByRef str_out As String)    Dim ary() As String    Dim str_old As String    Dim str_new As String    Dim str_temp As String    Dim count As Long    Dim temp_len As Long        '分割字符串    ary = Split(str_in, s_split)    '在字符串的最后添加一个分隔符,这也便于以“元素,”的格式进行替换。    str_old = str_in + s_split    '给要进行替换的str_new赋初始值。    str_new = str_old    '循环变量    Dim i As LongLoops:    For i = 0 To UBound(ary)        '保存替换前的str_new到str_old        str_old = str_new        '要进行替换的格式“元素,”        str_temp = ary(i) & s_split        '替换字符串        str_new = replace(str_new, str_temp, vbNullString)        '根据替换前后的字符串长度变化,计算出替换了几个元素。        count = (Len(str_old) - Len(str_new)) / Len(str_temp)        '拼接最终结果        Call MJoin(str_out, count, str_temp)        '        temp_len = Len(str_new) - Len(s_split)        If temp_len > 0 Then            '这里的str_new可能已经被替换成空字符串了,因此不能在其左侧取值            str_new = Left(str_new, temp_len)            ary = Split(str_new, s_split)            str_new = str_new + s_split            '数组更新了,需要重新循环            GoTo Loops        End If    Next    str_out = Left(str_out, Len(str_out) - Len(s_split))    Debug.Print str_outEnd Sub
VB code
    d = Array(1, 2, 8, 7, 9, 9, 8, 7, 1, 2, 9, 5, 0)    i = 1    While i <= UBound(d)        If d(i) <> d(i - 1) Then    '如果相邻两个数相等,直接向后移一个数,如果不相等则去寻找相等的数            For j = i + 1 To UBound(d)                If d(j) = d(i - 1) Then '如果找到相等的数就交换,并将要比较的数向后移一个数                    t = d(i): d(i) = d(j): d(j) = t '交换两数                    i = i + 1                End If            Next j        End If        i = i + 1    Wend        For i = 0 To UBound(d)        Debug.Print d(i) & " "; '显示结果    Next i 
