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Ruby安装问题XP下全新安装好ruby1.9.2后,执行 gem update报下列错误:D:\Rubygem updateUpdating installe

XP下全新安装好ruby1.9.2后,执行 gem update


D:\Ruby>gem update
Updating installed gems
Updating minitest
Successfully installed minitest-2.0.2
Updating rdoc
RDoc 2.5 did not save method parameters, so you should upgrade your rdoc-data
gem to a version >= 2.5.3.

To have ri data for core and stdlib you'll need to:

  gem install rdoc-data

then run:

  rdoc-data --install

To have ri data for you gems you'll also need to run:

  gem rdoc --all --overwrite

If you don't want to rebuild the rdoc for `gem server`, add --no-rdoc.
Successfully installed rdoc-3.3
Gems updated: minitest, rdoc
Installing ri documentation for minitest-2.0.2...
Installing ri documentation for rdoc-3.3...
unable to convert U+00A9 from UTF-8 to GBK for lib/rdoc/text.rb, skipping
Installing RDoc documentation for minitest-2.0.2...
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
U+00A9 from UTF-8 to GBK



Perl code
--no-rdoc --no-ri 
