等字段 ,无主键。
终端状态每天记录4次,即lasttime 记录同一天的四个时间段(如2007-8-24 08:45)。状态有三种(0 正常,2 数据无效,1 关机),其中,0和2 都算是开机,每天的四个时间段中有一次开机,这一天算是开机,四次都关机,算是关机。
select distinct top 100 mobile ,substring(lasttime,1,10) as lasttime,certid,groupid, '开机 ' as status from ZZMON..T_selftest where 1=1
and lasttime> = '2007-08-01 ' and lasttime <= '2007-08-30 ' group by
having runstatus= '0 ' or runstatus= '2 '
select distinct * from
select id,name,cardid,convert(varchar(10),time,120) time , status = '没来 ' from tb where id not in
select id,name,cardid,convert(varchar(10),time,120) time , status = '来 ' from tb where status = '来 ' or status = '迟到 '
) t
union all
select id,name,cardid,convert(varchar(10),time,120) time , status = '来 ' from tb where status = '来 ' or status = '迟到 '
) m
order by id,name, time
select mobile,convert(char(10),lasttime,112),
case when min(runstatus) <> 0 and max(runstatus) <> 2 then '关 '
when min(runstatus)=0 then '开 '
else '其它 '
from @a a
group by mobile,convert(char(10),lasttime,112)
create table tb(id int, name varchar(10) , cardid varchar(10),time datetime,status varchar(10))
insert into tb values(1, '111 ', '111 ', '2007-8-15 08:00:22 ', '来 ')
insert into tb values(1, '111 ', '111 ', '2007-8-15 13:30:22 ', '迟到 ')
insert into tb values(2, '222 ', '222 ', '2007-8-15 08:00:22 ', '没来 ')
insert into tb values(2, '222 ', '222 ', '2007-8-15 13:30:22 ', '没来 ')
insert into tb values(3, '111 ', '111 ', '2007-8-15 08:00:22 ', '没来 ')
insert into tb values(3, '333 ', '333 ', '2007-8-15 13:30:22 ', '来 ')
select distinct * from
select id,name,cardid,convert(varchar(10),time,120) time , status = '没来 ' from tb where id not in
select id from tb where status = '来 ' or status = '迟到 '
union all
select id,name,cardid,convert(varchar(10),time,120) time , status = '来 ' from tb where status = '来 ' or status = '迟到 '
) m
order by id,name, time
drop table tb
id name cardid time status
----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------
1 111 111 2007-08-15 来
2 222 222 2007-08-15 没来
3 333 333 2007-08-15 来
(所影响的行数为 3 行)