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一个VFP调用外部命令的问题(超烦的问题)现在有如下命令需要通过VFP调用:netsh interface ip set address

netsh interface ip set address "本地连接" source= static addr= mask= gateway= gwmetric=1

netsh interface ip set dns "本地连接" static primary







SQL code
****调用方式*****SetLocalIP( tcCard,tcAddr, tcMask, tcGateWay,tcDNS,tcAddDNS )*例如:SetLocalIP( '本地连接','','','','','' )*!*    *---------------------------------------------FUNCTION SetLocalIP( tcCard, tcAddr, tcMask, tcGateWay, tcDNS, tcAddDNS )    tcCard = IIF(TYPE([tcCard])=[C], tcCard, [本地连接])      && 连接名称    tcAddr = IIF(TYPE([tcAddr])=[C], tcAddr, [])              && IP地址, 空表示动态获取    tcMask = IIF(TYPE([tcMask])=[C], tcMask, []) && 掩码    tcGateWay = IIF(TYPE([tcGateWay])=[C], tcGateWay, [none]) && 网关    tcDNS = IIF(TYPE([tcDNS])=[C], tcDNS, NULL)               && 主DNS    tcAddDNS = IIF(TYPE([tcAddDNS])=[C], tcAddDNS, NULL)      && 备用DNS    LOCAL lcCmdStr, lcTempFile, lnReturn, lcCR    lcCR = CHR(13)+CHR(10)    lcTempFile = ADDBS(SYS(2023))+[SetIP.tmp]    = STRTOFILE( [interface ip] + lcCR, lcTempFile )    IF EMPTY(tcAddr)        * 指定是通过动态主机配置协议 (DHCP) 服务器配置 IP 地址        = STRTOFILE( [set address name="]+tcCard+[" source=dhcp] + lcCR, lcTempFile, 1 ) &&如果是VFP6参数1改为.T.    ELSE        * 使用静态 IP 地址        = STRTOFILE( [set address name="]+tcCard+[" source=static] + [ addr=]+tcAddr+[ mask=]+tcMask+[ GateWay=]+tcGateWay+[ gwmetric=1] + lcCR, lcTempFile, 1 ) &&如果是VFP6参数1改为.T.    ENDIF    IF !ISNULL(tcDNS)        * 设置 DNS        IF EMPTY(tcDNS)            = STRTOFILE( [set dns name="]+tcCard+[" source=dhcp] + lcCR, lcTempFile, 1  ) &&如果是VFP6参数1改为.T.        ELSE            = STRTOFILE( [set dns name="]+tcCard+[" source=static addr=]+tcDNS + lcCR, lcTempFile, 1 ) &&如果是VFP6参数1改为.T.        ENDIF    ENDIF    IF !ISNULL(tcAddDNS) AND !EMPTY(tcAddDNS)        * 备用 DNS        = STRTOFILE( [add dns name="]+tcCard+[" addr=]+tcAddDNS+[ index=2] + lcCR, lcTempFile, 1 ) &&如果是VFP6参数1改为.T.    ENDIF    lcCmdStr = [netsh exec ] + lcTempFile    RETURN ShellAndWait( lcCmdStr, .T., .F. ) > 0ENDFUNCFUNCTION ShellAndWait( tcDosCommand, IsDos, IsShow )    IsDos = IIF(PARAMETERS()>=2 AND TYPE([IsDos])=[L], IsDos, .F.)    IsShow = IIF(PARAMETERS()>=3 AND TYPE([IsShow])=[L], IsShow, !IsDos)    LOCAL lcCmdStr    IF IsDos        IF EMPTY(GETENV([OS]))            lcCmdStr = [Command.com /C ] + tcDosCommand + CHR(0)        ELSE            lcCmdStr = [Cmd.exe /C ] + tcDosCommand + CHR(0)        ENDIF    ELSE        lcCmdStr = tcDosCommand + CHR(0)    ENDIF        #DEFINE NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS     32    #DEFINE IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS       64    #DEFINE HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS      128    #DEFINE INFINITE                  -1    #DEFINE REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS 1600    DECLARE INTEGER CloseHandle IN kernel32 LONG hObject    DECLARE INTEGER WaitForSingleObject IN kernel32 LONG hHandle, LONG dwMilliseconds    DECLARE INTEGER CreateProcessA IN kernel32 ;        LONG lpApplicationName, ;        STRING lpCommandLine, ;        LONG lpProcessAttributes, ;        LONG lpThreadAttributes, ;        LONG bInheritHandles, ;        LONG dwCreationFlags, ;        LONG lpEnvironment, ;        LONG lpCurrentDirectory, ;        STRING @lpStartupInfo, ;        STRING @lpProcessInformation        LOCAL lcStartupInfo, lcProcessInformation, RetCode, hProcess    lcStartupInfo = Long2Str(68) + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 40) + CHR(IIF(IsShow,0,1)) + REPLICATE(CHR(0), 23)    lcProcessInformation = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 16)        RetCode = CreateProcessA(0, lcCmdStr, 0, 0, 1, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0, 0, @lcStartupInfo, @lcProcessInformation )    hProcess = Str2Long(SUBSTR(lcProcessInformation, 1, 4))    RetCode = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE)    RetCode = CloseHandle(hProcess)    RETURN RetCodeENDFUNC*-----------------------------------------------FUNCTION Long2Str( lnLongVal )    PRIVATE i2, retustr    retustr = []    FOR i2 = 24 TO 0 STEP -8        retustr = CHR(INT(lnLongVal/(2^i2))) + retustr        lnLongVal = MOD(lnLongVal, (2^i2))    NEXT    RETURN retustrENDFUNCFUNCTION Str2Long( tcLongStr )    PRIVATE i2, RetuVal    RetuVal = 0    FOR i2 = 0 TO 24 STEP 8        RetuVal = RetuVal + (ASC(tcLongStr) * (2^i2))        tcLongStr = RIGHT(tcLongStr, LEN(tcLongStr) - 1)    NEXT    RETURN RetuValENDFUNC 
