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求助unrealscript问题Here is an example of the state concepts discussed so far:// This is the automa

Here is an example of the state concepts discussed so far: 

// This is the automatic state to execute.
auto state Idle
  // When touched by another actor...
  function Touch( actor Other )
  log( "I was touched, so I'm going to Attacking" );
  GotoState( 'Attacking' );
  Log( "I have gone to the Attacking state" );
  log( "I am idle..." );
  sleep( 10 );
  goto 'Begin';
// Attacking state.
state Attacking
  Log( "I am executing the attacking state code" );
When you run this program and then go touch the actor, you will see: 

I am idle...
I am idle...
I am idle...
I was touched, so I'm going to Attacking
I have gone to the Attacking state
I am executing the attacking state code
Make sure you understand this important aspect of GotoState: When you call GotoState from within a function, it does not go to the destination immediately, rather it goes there once execution returns back to the state code. 

这里面不是说状态应该直接跳转到下一个状态么?为什么还会运行Log( "I have gone to the Attacking state" );

因为这个GotoState是在function中调用的,因此它会执行完所有的state code之后再跳转到Attacking state中去执行;而如果你在state code中调用GotoState,它便会立刻跳转。
