VB 时间大问题
VB 如果得到时间格式是这样的呢?
Private Function UTCtoDateTime(lngSeconds As Long) As String
Dim nYear As Long, nMonth As Long, nDay As Long, nHour As Long, nMin As Long, nSec As Long
' ' '取得年份
nYear = 1970
Do While (lngSeconds > = GetYearSeconds(nYear))
lngSeconds = lngSeconds - GetYearSeconds(nYear)
nYear = nYear + 1
' ' '取得月份
nMonth = 1
Do While (lngSeconds > = GetMonthSeconds(nYear, nMonth))
lngSeconds = lngSeconds - GetMonthSeconds(nYear, nMonth)
nMonth = nMonth + 1
nDay = lngSeconds \ (3600# * 24) + 1
lngSeconds = lngSeconds Mod (3600# * 24)
nHour = lngSeconds \ (3600#)
lngSeconds = lngSeconds Mod 3600#
nMin = lngSeconds \ 60#
lngSeconds = lngSeconds Mod 60
nSec = lngSeconds
UTCtoDateTime = CStr(nYear) & "- " & CStr(nMonth) & "- " & CStr(nDay) & " " & CStr(nHour) & ": " & CStr(nMin) & ": " & CStr(nSec)
UTCtoDateTime = Format(UTCtoDateTime, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss ")
End Function
' ' '将现在时刻转化成自1970-01-01 00:00:00经过的秒数
Private Function NowToUTC(tTime As Date) As Long
Dim nYear As Long, nMonth As Long
Dim lngSenconds As Long
lngSenconds = 0
For nYear = 1970 To year(tTime) - 1
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + GetYearSeconds(nYear)
For nMonth = 1 To month(tTime) - 1
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + GetMonthSeconds(nYear, nMonth)
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + 3600# * 24 * (Day(tTime) - 1)
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + 3600# * Hour(tTime)
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + 60 * Minute(tTime)
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + Second(tTime)
NowToUTC = lngSenconds
End Function
Private Function GetYearSeconds(year As Long) As Long
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then
GetYearSeconds = 366# * 3600# * 24#
GetYearSeconds = 365# * 3600# * 24#
End If
End Function
Private Function GetMonthSeconds(year As Long, month As Long) As Long
Select Case month
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 31
Case 4, 6, 9, 11
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 30
Case 2
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 29
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 28
End If
End Select
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim t As Date
t = Now
i = NowToUTC(t)
Debug.Print "Now: "; t
Debug.Print "UTC: "; CStr(i)
Debug.Print "Time: "; UTCtoDateTime(i)
End Sub
Now: 2007-1-25 12:55:19
UTC: 1169729719
Time:2007-01-25 12:55:19