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VB 时间大有关问题

VB 时间大问题VB如果得到时间格式是这样的呢?例:1169606370用PHP中用time来得到的时间一样,但在VB中如果实

VB 时间大问题
VB   如果得到时间格式是这样的呢?


Private Function UTCtoDateTime(lngSeconds As Long) As String
Dim nYear As Long, nMonth As Long, nDay As Long, nHour As Long, nMin As Long, nSec As Long

' ' '取得年份
nYear = 1970
Do While (lngSeconds > = GetYearSeconds(nYear))
lngSeconds = lngSeconds - GetYearSeconds(nYear)
nYear = nYear + 1
' ' '取得月份
nMonth = 1
Do While (lngSeconds > = GetMonthSeconds(nYear, nMonth))
lngSeconds = lngSeconds - GetMonthSeconds(nYear, nMonth)
nMonth = nMonth + 1

nDay = lngSeconds \ (3600# * 24) + 1
lngSeconds = lngSeconds Mod (3600# * 24)

nHour = lngSeconds \ (3600#)
lngSeconds = lngSeconds Mod 3600#

nMin = lngSeconds \ 60#
lngSeconds = lngSeconds Mod 60

nSec = lngSeconds

UTCtoDateTime = CStr(nYear) & "- " & CStr(nMonth) & "- " & CStr(nDay) & " " & CStr(nHour) & ": " & CStr(nMin) & ": " & CStr(nSec)
UTCtoDateTime = Format(UTCtoDateTime, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss ")
End Function

' ' '将现在时刻转化成自1970-01-01 00:00:00经过的秒数
Private Function NowToUTC(tTime As Date) As Long
Dim nYear As Long, nMonth As Long
Dim lngSenconds As Long

lngSenconds = 0
For nYear = 1970 To year(tTime) - 1
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + GetYearSeconds(nYear)

For nMonth = 1 To month(tTime) - 1
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + GetMonthSeconds(nYear, nMonth)

lngSenconds = lngSenconds + 3600# * 24 * (Day(tTime) - 1)
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + 3600# * Hour(tTime)
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + 60 * Minute(tTime)
lngSenconds = lngSenconds + Second(tTime)

NowToUTC = lngSenconds
End Function

Private Function GetYearSeconds(year As Long) As Long
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then
GetYearSeconds = 366# * 3600# * 24#
GetYearSeconds = 365# * 3600# * 24#
End If
End Function

Private Function GetMonthSeconds(year As Long, month As Long) As Long
Select Case month
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 31
Case 4, 6, 9, 11
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 30
Case 2
If year Mod 400 = 0 Or (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0) Then
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 29
GetMonthSeconds = 3600# * 24 * 28
End If
End Select
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim t As Date
t = Now
i = NowToUTC(t)
Debug.Print "Now: "; t
Debug.Print "UTC: "; CStr(i)
Debug.Print "Time: "; UTCtoDateTime(i)
End Sub

Now: 2007-1-25 12:55:19
UTC: 1169729719
Time:2007-01-25 12:55:19
