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//c1: float4(3,0,0,1)
//c2: eyePos
//c4: ViewProjection
//c8: ViewInverse
//c12: View
dcl_position v0
dcl_normal v1
dcl_texcoord v2
dcl_tangent v3
dcl_binormal v4
m4x4 oPos, v0, c4 // OutPos = ObjSpacePos * WVP Matrix
mov r0, c2 // Find the eye position in object space
m4x4 r1, r0, c8
sub r8, r1, v0 // Compute view direction
dp3 r10.x, r8, r8 // Normalize the view vector
rsq r10.y, r10.x // 
mul r8, r8, r10.y // 
add r1, r8, r8 // Compute 2V
dp3 r10.x, r1, v1 // Compute 2V.N
mad r7, v1, r10.x, -r8 // Compute reflected view vector 
  // W = (2V.N)N - V
mov r5, v1 // The normal vector
mov r4, v3 // The tangent vector
mul r3, r4.yzxw, r5.zxyw // Setup binormal (tX) vector perp to normal in r3
mad r3, r4.zxyw, -r5.yzxw, r3 // 
m3x3 r6, r8, r3 // Transform view vector into tangent space
mul oT0, v2, c1.x // Output bump map texture coordinates
m3x3 oT1, r7, c12 // Output reflection vector (in object space)
mov oT2, r3 // Output inverse tangent space basis vector 0 (X) 
mov oT3, r4 // Output inverse tangent space basis vector 1 (Y) 
mov oT4, r5 // Output inverse tangent space basis vector 2 (Z) 
mov oT5, r8 // Output view vector in object space
mov oD0.xyz, r6 // Output view vector in tangent space

// c1: Color
// c2: Color
// c3: float4(0.25,0.25,0.05,1)
// c4: Color
// c5: zPos(0,0,1,0.4)
texld r0, t0 // Read from microflake noise map to get perturbed normals
texld r1, t1 // Environment map reflection vector lookup ( for the gloss coat)
texcrd r3.rgb, t2 // Inverse tangent space base vector 0 ( tan X )
texcrd r4.rgb, t3 // Inverse tangent space base vector 1 ( tan Y )
texcrd r5.rgb, t4 // Inverse tangent space base vector 2 ( ten Z )
texcrd r2.rgb, t5 // The view vector 
lrp r0.rgb, c5.a, r0_bx2, c5 // Increase the microflake perturbed normal a bit
mul r3.rgb, r0.r, r3  
mad r3.rgb, r0.g, r4, r3
mad r3.rgb, r0.b, r5, r3 // Convert the perturbed normal from 
dp3_sat r4, r2, r3 // Nbw.Vw
mad r3.rgb, r3_x2, r4, -r2 // Compute Rw = 2N(V.N)-V
mul_x8 r1.rgb, r1, r1.a // Brighten up the luminosity by 8
mov r5, r1
texld r0, t0 // Load the second microflake normal from the microflake  
texld r1, r3 // noise map to simulate second layer of metallic flakes
mul_sat r1.rgb, r1, r1.a // Increase the 2nd microflake layer normal 
+mad r0.a, 1-v0.b, 1-v0.b, c1.a // Compute (1-N.V)^2
lrp r4.rgb, c3, r4, v0.b // Simulate color scattering
mul r4.rgb, r4_x2, c4 // Combine resulting color with base color
mul r1.rgb, r1, r0 // Add microflakes color 
mad r1.rgb, r1, r5, r4 // Combine sparkles with base color gradient
lrp r0.rgb, r0.a, r5, r1 // Add reflections from the environment map
mul r0.a, r1.a, c2.a // Final color composite

dcl_position v0
dcl_normal v1
dcl_texcoord v2

dcl_tangent v3
dcl_binormal v4

struct abc

float4 Pos : POSITION;
float3 Norm :NORMAL;
float2 Tex :TEXCOORD0;

