关于Nios ii 9.1 EDS 的问题
我用Nios ii 9.1 EDS 新建一个NIOS II Application and BSP from Template 工程的过程中提示提示fail to execute:./creat--this--app --no--make
detail为chmod:changing pemission of '.';pemission deniedchmod;changing pemission of './creat--this--app';pemission denied
Are you doing this on Windows 7? If so, I suggest you do the following (Original post from http://fpgaforum.blogspot.com/2010/04/quartus-ii-91-and-nios-ii-91-on-windows.html)
Under your Quartus II folder, go to bin->cygwin->bin folder, select the following files in the list below and then right-click and choose Properties. Under the Compatibility tab, check “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and choose “Windows XP (Service Pack 2)”. Check “Run this program as an administrator”, as well.
Here is the list of files that you can select to change their compatibility mode under the Quartus II->bin->cygwin->bin folder:
1. Make.exe
2. Sh.exe
3. Echo.exe
4. Cygstart.exe
5. MakeInfo.exe
6. Perl.exe
7. Collect2.exe (under nios2eds\bin\nios2-gnutools\ H-i686-pc-cygwin\libexec\gcc\nios2-elf\3.4.6)
8. Nios2-elf-g++.exe (under nios2eds\bin\nios2-gnutools\ H-i686-pc-cygwin\bin)
fail to execute:./creat--this--app --no--makedetail为chmod:changing pemission of '.';pemission deniedchmod;changing pemission of './creat--this--app';pemission denied
意思是你的访问权限不足,也就是其中的pemission denied。 需要改变 ./create--this--app的权限,
也就是要求你使用管理员身份(windows下) 或者 sudo命令(linux下)切换为 管理员的身份再执行这个东西