本人最近网上 下了个c++ builder例子 并且用VSPM虚拟了一个串口。
运行环境:XP sp3, c++ Builder 6.0,VSPM 。
int __stdcall OpenCom(int port){ String comname; comname = "COM" + IntToStr(port); if (hCom==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ShowMessage("Can not open the port !"); CloseHandle(hCom); hCom = 0; return 0; } if(hCom != 0) return 0; hCom=CreateFile( comname.c_str(), //文件名 GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,//访问模式允许读写 0, //此项必须是0 NULL,//无安全参数 OPEN_EXISTING,//创建方式 FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,//异步工作方式 NULL); if (hCom==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ShowMessage("Can not open the port !"); CloseHandle(hCom); hCom = 0; return 0; } if(!GetCommState(hCom,&dcb)) //获得串口设置并用它填充dcb结构体 ShowMessage("GetCommState failed"); if (!SetupComm(hCom,1024,1024)) //设置输入输出缓冲区大小 ShowMessage("SetupComm failed"); //设置dcb结构成员变量 dcb.BaudRate=9600; dcb.fParity=0; dcb.Parity=NOPARITY; dcb.StopBits=ONESTOPBIT; dcb.ByteSize=8; dcb.fNull=FALSE; if(!SetCommState(hCom,&dcb)) //重新配置串口 ShowMessage("SetCommState failed"); //设置事件掩码,EV_RXCHAR表示接收一个字符并放到缓冲区划 if (!SetCommMask(hCom,EV_RXCHAR)) ShowMessage("SetCommMask failed"); //创建事件对象,在WaitCommEvent使用 COMSTAT comstat; DWORD dwError=0; OverRead.hEvent=CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL); ClearCommError(hCom,&dwError,&comstat); //清空串口缓冲区,退出所有相关操作 PurgeComm(hCom, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR); Form1->Caption=comname+" 通信成功!"; Form1->RadioGroup1->Enabled=false; // Form1->Button1->Enabled=false; // Form1->Button2->Enabled=true; //创建线程 Read232 = new hComThread(false); // (false/true) (run/not run )WatchThread when begin return true;}void __fastcall SendDatas( char chStr[1024], unsigned long StrLen){ //发送数据 BOOL WriteState; // unsigned long Written = 0 ; LPDWORD lpDword; DWORD dwError; WriteState = WriteFile(hCom,//用CreateFile 获得的文件句柄 chStr,//输出缓冲区首址 StrLen,//要求输出的字节数 lpDword,//实际输出字节数 &OverWrite);//重叠操作方式数据结构地址 //这里的WriteFile()成功也返回0 if (!WriteState)//&& GetLastError()== ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { ShowMessage("Error !!!"); } }
int ComWin32::PutBuffer(char *buffer, int count){ COMSTAT queue; DWORD error; DWORD written = 0; int bytesWrite; ClearCommError(comHandle, &error, &queue); bytesWrite = txQueue - queue.cbOutQue; if (count < bytesWrite) bytesWrite = count; if (WriteFile(comHandle, buffer, bytesWrite, &written, &ovReadWrite) == 0) { if ((error = GetLastError()) == ERROR_IO_PENDING) ClearCommError(comHandle, &error, &queue); else written = bytesWrite; } /* end of if */ return written;}
是的,其中 txQueue 就是你设置的发送缓冲区的大小
if (!SetupComm(hCom,1024,1024)) //设置输入输出缓冲区大小
written 就是写成功的字节数,你的代码注销已经写出来的呀