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下 万分感谢! VB - INI

高手指点下 万分感谢! VB - INI各位VB爱好者 , 如何在 COMBOX 下拉框中 选择 INI 文件里保存的数据 如没有

高手指点下 万分感谢! VB - INI
各位VB爱好者 , 如何在 COMBOX 下拉框中 选择 INI 文件里保存的数据 如没有 则手动输入内容并保存到INI中
  急求指点 再次感谢大家 。

getprivateprofilestring() api
If Not FileExists(App.Path & "\tool.ini") Then '确认文件是否存在
MsgBox "Can't find tool.ini!", vbInformation, "Information Message:"
End If 
Open App.Path & "\tool.ini" For Input As #1 '打开文件

Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strTextLine '以回车符为界读取数据
strTextLine = Trim$(strTextLine)
If Left(strTextLine, 3) = "con" Then '客制的判断
strTextLine = Right(strTextLine, Len(strTextLine) - 4)
strArray = Split(strTextLine, ";")
StrDsn = strArray(0)
strDBUserID = strArray(1)
strDBPassword = strArray(2)
strcom = Right(strTextLine, Len(strTextLine) - 4)
End If
Close #1 '关闭文件

我这里有个 INI 文件读写操作的例子,楼主参考一下。

【点这里下载 INI.rar 1.9KB】


Public Function comboLoadFromIni(cmb As ComboBox, cini As cInifile, secname As String) As Long
Dim i As Long, s As String, n As Long
On Error GoTo errr
cini.section = secname
With cmb
 cini.key = "条数"
 s = cini.Value
 n = Val(s)
 If n = 0 Then GoTo errr
For i = 1 To n
cini.key = "条目" & CStr(i)
s = cini.Value
If s <> "" Then .AddItem s
Next i
 cini.key = "当前"
 s = cini.Value
 If s <> "" Then cmb.Text = s
End With
End Function

Public Function comboSaveToIni(cmb As ComboBox, cini As cInifile, secname As String) As Long
Dim i As Long, s As String
Dim c As New cInifile
On Error GoTo errr
cini.section = secname
With cmb
 cini.key = "条数"
 cini.Value = CStr(.ListCount)
 cini.key = "当前"
 cini.Value = cmb.Text
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
s = .List(i)
cini.key = "条目" & CStr(i + 1)
cini.Value = s
Next i
End With
End Function
Friendly Up!
