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小弟我才学Java` 求大哥们帮帮忙吧!小弟我太菜了`

我才学Java` 求大哥们帮帮忙吧!我太菜了```writeaprogramthatwilltakenumbersfromafilecalledNumbers.txta

我才学Java` 求大哥们帮帮忙吧!我太菜了```
write   a   program   that   will   take   numbers   from   a   file   called   Numbers.txt   and   then   add   them   up,   and   give   out   their   average


name   2   ways   of   initiating   an   integer   array   called   x.  

what   is   the   purpose   of   methods   in   Java?  
我英文不好-   -`不会说。。。

write a program that will take numbers from a file called Numbers.txt and then add them up, and give out their average


name 2 ways of initiating an integer array called x.


what is the purpose of methods in Java?



2.Two ways are listed respectively below
i. int[] x;
ii. int x[];

3. Purpose is to set a pile of codes which is used to fulfil a unique function together inside a module called method. It makes the program more readable, more adjustable and easier to be amended. It appears as one of the encapsulation of the oo system.
