1 0.05 2006 2007
2 0.1 2007 2008
A1 B1
1 2004.5
2 2005.5
3 2006.5
4 2007.5
A1 B1 B
1 2004.5
2 2005.5
3 2006.5 0.05
4 2007.5 0.1
select 表2.* , 表1.b from 表2 left 表1 on left(表2.b1,4) = 表1.c
if object_id( 'test1 ') is not null
drop table test1
create table test1(
a int,
b float,
c int,
d int
if object_id( 'test2 ') is not null
drop table test2
create table test2(
a1 int,
b1 float
insert into test1
select 1, 0.05, 2006, 2007 union
select 2, 0.1, 2007, 2008
insert into test2
select 1, 2004.5 union
select 2, 2005.5 union
select 3, 2006.5 union
select 4 , 2007.5
select * from test1
select * from test2
select b.* ,B1=mAX(case when b.b1> a.c and b.b1 <a.d then
a.b else null end) from test2 b , test1 a
GROUP by b.a1,b.b1
Declare @表1 Table(A int,B decimal(8,2),C datetime,D datetime)
Insert @表1 Select 1,0.05, '2006-01-01 ', '2007-01-01 '
Union All Select 2,0.1 , '2007-01-01 ', '2008-01-01 '
Declare @表2 Table(A1 int,B1 datetime)
Insert @表2 Select 1, '2004-03-01 '
Union All Select 2, '2005-03-01 '
Union All Select 3, '2006-03-01 '
Union All Select 4, '2007-03-01 '
Select * From @表1
Select * From @表2
@表2 As A
Left Join
@表1 As B
On A.B1> =B.C And A.B1 <=B.D
A1 B1 B
----------- ------------------------ ----------
1 2004-03-01 00:00:00.000 NULL
2 2005-03-01 00:00:00.000 NULL
3 2006-03-01 00:00:00.000 .05
4 2007-03-01 00:00:00.000 .10
(所影响的行数为 4 行)
select b.* , isnull(cast(a.b as varchar), ' ') b
from b left join a on b.b1 between a.c and a.d