txt文件中怎么判断句尾是不是" "?
vb.net 2003
比如说,strings.Instr 方法来可以做比较....
Public Shared Function InStr(_
Optional ByVal Start As Integer, _
ByVal String1 As String, _
ByVal String2 As String, _
) As Integer
我想实现的是判断一行句子中的句尾是不是" ", 有什么办法像上面的方法一样能做比较...
"ABC " has 4 characters. "ABC ".length is 4
"ABC" has 3 characters. "ABC".length is 3.
"ABC ".rtrim() is to remove all right spaces.
sample code:
Dim aString as StringaString = "ABC "if aString.rtrim().length = aString.length then msgbox "The string has no space at the end."else dim numSpace as String numSpace = aString.length - aString.rtrim().length msgbox "The string has " & numSpace & " spaces at the end."end if
Dim re As New Regex("^.* $", RegexOptions.Multiline)
Dim oldstr As String = Read_Txt()
oldstr = Regex.Replace(oldstr, "\r\n", vbLf)
Dim match As Match = re.Match(oldstr)
match = re.Match(oldstr)
While match.Success
match = match.NextMatch()
End While