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存储过程分页 返回查询记录总数 有什么好的写法解决方案

存储过程分页 返回查询记录总数 有什么好的写法select count(*) from ( + @where + ) mt这样感觉速度

存储过程分页 返回查询记录总数 有什么好的写法
'select count(*) from (' + @where + ') mt'

SQL code
ALTER procedure [dbo].[page_pages](@pagesize int,@pageindex int,@sort nvarchar(200),@where nvarchar(max))asset nocount onbegindeclare  @strSQL nvarchar(max)declare @PageLowerBound intdeclare @PageUpperBound intset @PageLowerBound=(@pageindex-1)*@pagesizeset @PageUpperBound=@PageLowerBound+@pagesizeset @strSQL = 'with aa as(select top ' + str(@PageUpperBound) + ' orderno = ROW_NUMBER()  OVER (' + @sort + '), * from(' + @where + ')aaa)select * from aa where orderno between ' + str(@PageLowerBound + 1) + ' and ' + str(@PageUpperBound + 1)endexec(@strSQL)set @strSQL = 'select count(*) from (' + @where + ') mt'exec(@strSQL)set nocount off

SQL code
--(原代码作者:邹建,改编加入显示总页数:Tony)create Proc p_show@QueryStr nvarchar(4000), --表名、视图名、查询语句,如要加条件,直接在此加入(如:select * from tb where ....)@PageSize int=10,   --每页的大小(行数)@pagecount int out, --显示总页数@PageCurrent int=1,   --要显示的页@FdShow nvarchar (4000)='',--要显示的字段列表,如果查询结果有标识字段,需要指定此值,且不包含标识字段@FdOrder nvarchar (1000)='' --排序字段列表asdeclare @FdName nvarchar(250) --表中的主键或表、临时表中的标识列名 ,@Id1 varchar(20),@Id2 varchar(20) --开始和结束的记录号 ,@Obj_ID int    --对象ID ,@sql nvarchar(4000)--表中有复合主键的处理declare @strfd nvarchar(2000) --复合主键列表 ,@strjoin nvarchar(4000) --连接字段 ,@strwhere nvarchar(2000) --查询条件select @Obj_ID=object_id(@QueryStr) ,@FdShow=case isnull(@FdShow,'') when '' then ' *' else ' '+@FdShow end ,@FdOrder=case isnull(@FdOrder,'') when '' then '' else ' order by '+@FdOrder end ,@QueryStr=case when @Obj_ID is not null then ' '+@QueryStr else ' ('+@QueryStr+') a' end --显示总页数 set @sql='select @pagecount=ceiling(count(*)*1./@PageSize) from '+@QueryStrexec sp_executesql @sql,N'@pagecount int out,@PageSize int',@pagecount out,@PageSize--如果显示第一页,可以直接用top来完成if @PageCurrent=1 begin select @Id1=cast(@PageSize as varchar(20)) exec('select top '+@Id1+@FdShow+' from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder) returnend--如果是表,则检查表中是否有标识更或主键if @Obj_ID is not null and objectproperty(@Obj_ID,'IsTable')=1begin select @Id1=cast(@PageSize as varchar(20))  ,@Id2=cast((@PageCurrent-1)*@PageSize as varchar(20)) select @FdName=name from syscolumns where id=@Obj_ID and status=0x80 if @@rowcount=0   --如果表中无标识列,则检查表中是否有主键 begin  if not exists(select 1 from sysobjects where parent_obj=@Obj_ID and xtype='PK')   goto lbusetemp  --如果表中无主键,则用临时表处理  select @FdName=name from syscolumns where id=@Obj_ID and colid in(   select colid from sysindexkeys where @Obj_ID=id and indid in(    select indid from sysindexes where @Obj_ID=id and name in(     select name from sysobjects where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=@Obj_ID   )))  if @@rowcount>1  --检查表中的主键是否为复合主键  begin   select @strfd='',@strjoin='',@strwhere=''   select @strfd=@strfd+',['+name+']'    ,@strjoin=@strjoin+' and a.['+name+']=b.['+name+']'    ,@strwhere=@strwhere+' and b.['+name+'] is null'    from syscolumns where id=@Obj_ID and colid in(    select colid from sysindexkeys where @Obj_ID=id and indid in(     select indid from sysindexes where @Obj_ID=id and name in(      select name from sysobjects where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=@Obj_ID    )))   select @strfd=substring(@strfd,2,2000)    ,@strjoin=substring(@strjoin,5,4000)    ,@strwhere=substring(@strwhere,5,4000)   goto lbusepk  end endendelse goto lbusetemp/*--使用标识列或主键为单一字段的处理方法--*/lbuseidentity:  exec('select top '+@Id1+@FdShow+' from '+@QueryStr  +' where '+@FdName+' not in(select top '  +@Id2+' '+@FdName+' from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder  +')'+@FdOrder  ) return/*--表中有复合主键的处理方法--*/lbusepk:   exec('select '+@FdShow+' from(select top '+@Id1+' a.* from  (select top 100 percent * from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder+') a  left join (select top '+@Id2+' '+@strfd+'   from '+@QueryStr+@FdOrder+') b on '+@strjoin+'  where '+@strwhere+') a'  ) return/*--用临时表处理的方法--*/lbusetemp:  select @FdName='[ID_'+cast(newid() as varchar(40))+']' ,@Id1=cast(@PageSize*(@PageCurrent-1) as varchar(20)) ,@Id2=cast(@PageSize*@PageCurrent-1 as varchar(20))exec('select '+@FdName+'=identity(int,0,1),'+@FdShow+'  into #tb from'+@QueryStr+@FdOrder+' select '+@FdShow+' from #tb where '+@FdName+' between ' +@Id1+' and '+@Id2 )GO--调用示例:declare @pagecount intexec p_show     @QueryStr='select name from sysobjects',    @PageSize=20,    @pagecount=@pagecount out,    @PageCurrent=2select @pagecount AS 页数  /*ID_0E32DC2B-7C79-459A-96B9-9DC1355A97E7 name--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------20                                      sysbinobjs21                                      sysaudacts22                                      sysobjvalues23                                      sysclsobjs24                                      sysrowsetrefs25                                      sysremsvcbinds26                                      sysxmitqueue27                                      sysrts28                                      sysconvgroup29                                      sysdesend30                                      sysdercv31                                      syssingleobjrefs32                                      sysmultiobjrefs33                                      sysguidrefs34                                      syscompfragments35                                      sysftstops36                                      sysqnames37                                      sysxmlcomponent38                                      sysxmlfacet39                                      sysxmlplacement(20 行受影响)页数-----------14(1 行受影响)*/ 


SQL code
exec(@strSQL)select @@rowcount()
SQL code
with aa as(select top ' + str(@PageUpperBound) + ' orderno = ROW_NUMBER()  OVER (' + @sort + '), * from(' + @where + ')aaa)select * from aa where orderno between ' + str(@PageLowerBound + 1) + ' and ' + str(@PageUpperBound + 1)endexec(@strSQL)select @@rowcount()


'select count(*) from (' + @where + ') mt'

SQL code
ALTER procedure [dbo].[page_pages]
(@pagesize int,
@pageindex int,
@sort nvarchar(200),
@where nvarchar(max))
set nocount on……

'select count(*) from (' + @where + ') mt'

SQL code
ALTER procedure [dbo].[page_pages]
(@pagesize int,
@pageindex int,
@sort nvarchar(200),
@where nvarchar(max))
set nocount on……


