Private Type PointAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long
Dim x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
x1 = Text1.left
y1 = Text1.top
x2 = x1 + Text1.width
y2 = y1 + Text1.height
Timer1.Interval = 10
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim nP As PointAPI
GetCursorPos nP
ScreenToClient Form1.hwnd, nP
Text1.Text = nP.X & Space(2) & nP.Y
If nP.X >= x1 And nP.X <= x2 And nP.Y >= y1 And nP.Y <= y2 Then
Text1.BackColor = vbRed
Text1.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
用mousemove 和mouseleave就行了