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从SQL7一直用到SQL   2008,一直以来形成的思想,总觉得SQL不如ORACLE。
最近没事研究一下几个大型ERP的关键算法。   大家有兴趣不妨试试。

                    |           |
B(2PCS)   C(3G)
            |           |
        C(1G)       D(2G)


订单类型日期   料号           数量         状态
销售单2009-09-27       A         2000PCS         已下单
仓库2009-08-10         B     1000PCS       现有库存

create   table   bom_a(
parentno   varchar(20),
unit   char(5)

INSERT   bom_a   SELECT   'A ',1.0, 'PCS '
UNION   ALL       SELECT   'B ',1.0, 'PCS '

create   table   bom_b(
parentno   varchar(20),
childno   varchar(20),
unit   char(5)

INSERT   bom_b   SELECT   'A ', 'B ',2.0, 'PCS '
UNION   ALL       SELECT   'A ', 'C ',3.0, 'G '
UNION   ALL       SELECT   'B ', 'C ',1.0, 'G '
UNION   ALL       SELECT   'B ', 'D ',2.0, 'G '

select   *   from   bom_a  
select   *   from   bom_b  
parentno                           qty                                                                           unit
--------------------   ---------------------------------------   -----
A                                         1.00                                                                         PCS    
B                                         1.00                                                                         PCS    

(2   行受影响)

parentno                           childno                             qty                                                                           unit

--------------------   --------------------   ---------------------------------------   -----
A                                         B                                         2.00                                                                         PCS    
A                                         C                                         3.00                                                                         G        
B                                         C                                         1.00                                                                         G        
B                                         D                                         2.00                                                                         G        

(4   行受影响)
drop   table   bom_a
drop   table   bom_b


SQL code
--参考CREATE TABLE BOM(PID INT,ID INT)INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 801,101INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 801,102INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 801,103INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 801,601INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 601,101INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 601,105INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 601,501INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 501,106INSERT INTO BOM SELECT 501,121GOCREATE FUNCTION F_GETROOT(@PID INT)RETURNS INTASBEGIN    DECLARE @ID INT    WHILE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM BOM WHERE ID=@PID)    BEGIN        SET @ID=@PID        SELECT @PID=PID FROM BOM WHERE ID=@ID    END    RETURN @PIDENDGOSELECT PID=DBO.F_GETROOT(PID),ID FROM BOMGO/*PID         ID----------- ----------- 801         101801         102801         103801         601801         101801         105801         501801         106801         121*/DROP FUNCTION F_GETROOTDROP TABLE BOMGO--生成测试数据create table BOM_1(Item int,bom_head varchar(20),bom_child varchar(20),number int,products_attribute  varchar(20))insert into BOM_1 select 1 ,'A' ,'A1',1,'采购'insert into BOM_1 select 2 ,'A' ,'A2',2,'生产'insert into BOM_1 select 3 ,'A2','A3',3,'生产'insert into BOM_1 select 4 ,'A2','A4',2,'采购'insert into BOM_1 select 5 ,'A3','A5',2,'采购'insert into BOM_1 select 6 ,'A3','A6',1,'采购'insert into BOM_1 select 7 ,'B' ,'B1',1,'采购'insert into BOM_1 select 8 ,'B' ,'B2',2,'生产'insert into BOM_1 select 9 ,'B2','B3',3,'生产'insert into BOM_1 select 10,'B2','B4',2,'采购'insert into BOM_1 select 11,'B3','B5',2,'采购'insert into BOM_1 select 12,'B3','B6',2,'采购'go   --创建用户定义函数,用于取每个父节点下子节点的采购配置信息create function f_stock(@bom_head varchar(20))returns @t table(bom varchar(20),number int)asbegin     declare @level int    declare @a table(bom varchar(20),number int,products_attribute varchar(20),[level] int)    set @level=1    if exists(select 1 from BOM_1 where bom_head=@bom_head)        insert into @a     select bom_child,number,products_attribute,@level     from BOM_1     where bom_head=@bom_head        while exists(select 1 from @a where [level]=@level and products_attribute='生产')    begin        set @level=@level+1        insert into @a(bom,number,products_attribute,[level])        select a.bom_child,a.number,a.products_attribute,@level         from BOM_1 a,@a b        where a.bom_head=b.bom and b.[level]=@level-1    end        insert into @t(bom,number) select bom,number from @a where products_attribute='采购'    returnendgo--执行调用,取父节点'A'一个标准配置分解的采购信息及数量select * from dbo.f_stock('A')--生成测试数据create table BOM(ID INT,PID INT,MSG VARCHAR(1000))insert into BOM select 1,0,NULLinsert into BOM select 2,1,NULLinsert into BOM select 3,1,NULLinsert into BOM select 4,2,NULLinsert into BOM select 5,3,NULLinsert into BOM select 6,5,NULLinsert into BOM select 7,6,NULLgo--创建用户定义函数用于取每个父节点下子节点的采购配置信息create function f_getChild(@ID VARCHAR(10))returns @t table(ID VARCHAR(10),PID VARCHAR(10),Level INT)asbegin    declare @i int    set @i = 1    insert into @t select ID,PID,@i from BOM where PID = @ID        while @@rowcount<>0    begin        set @i = @i + 1                insert into @t         select             a.ID,a.PID,@i         from             BOM a,@t b         where             a.PID=b.ID and b.Level = @i-1    end    returnendgo--执行查询select ID from dbo.f_getChild(3)go--输出结果/*ID----567*/--删除测试数据drop function f_getChilddrop table BOM创建用户定义函数,每个子节点de父节点的信息--生成测试数据create table BOM(ID int,parentID int,sClassName varchar(10))insert into BOM values(1,0,'1111'      )insert into BOM values(2,1,'1111_1'    )insert into BOM values(3,2,'1111-1-1'  )insert into BOM values(4,3,'1111-1-1-1') insert into BOM values(5,1,'1111-2'    )go--创建用户定义函数,每个子节点de父节点的信息create function f_getParent(@ID int)returns varchar(40)asbegin    declare @ret varchar(40)    while exists(select 1 from BOM where ID=@ID and parentID<>0)    begin        select @ID=b.ID,@ret=','+rtrim(b.ID)+isnull(@ret,'')        from            BOM a,BOM b        where            a.ID=@ID and b.ID=a.parentID    end        set @ret=stuff(@ret,1,1,'')    return @retendgo--执行查询select ID,isnull(dbo.f_getParent(ID),'') as parentID from BOMgo--输出结果/*ID          parentID                                 ----------- ---------------------------------------- 1           2           13           1,24           1,2,35           1   */--删除测试数据drop function f_getParentdrop table BOMgo 


SQL code
-----------------------------------  Author: htl258(Tony)--  Date  : 2009-08-13 08:57:14-----------------------------------> 生成测试数据表:销售订单If not object_id('[销售订单]') is null    Drop table [销售订单]GoCreate table [销售订单]([日期] Datetime,[料号] nvarchar(1),[数量] decimal(18,2),[状态] nvarchar(3))Insert 销售订单Select '2009-09-27','A','2000','已下单'Go--> 生成测试数据表:存货表If not object_id('[存货表]') is null    Drop table [存货表]GoCreate table [存货表]([日期] Datetime,[料号] nvarchar(1),[数量] decimal(18,2),[状态] nvarchar(4))Insert 存货表Select '2009-08-10','B','1000','现有库存'Go--> 生成测试数据表:bom_aIf not object_id('[bom_a]') is null    Drop table [bom_a]GoCreate table [bom_a]([parentno] nvarchar(1),[qty] decimal(18,2),[unit] nvarchar(3))Insert bom_aSelect 'A',1.0,'pcs' union allSelect 'B',1.0,'pcs'Go--Select * from bom_a--> 生成测试数据表:bom_bIf not object_id('[bom_b]') is null    Drop table [bom_b]GoCreate table [bom_b]([parentno] nvarchar(1),[childno] nvarchar(1),[qty] decimal(18,2),[unit] nvarchar(3))Insert bom_bSelect 'A','B',2.0,'pcs' union allSelect 'A','C',3.0,'G' union allSelect 'B','C',1.0,'G' union allSelect 'B','D',2.0,'G'Go--Select * from bom_b/*                   A(1PCS)                     __|__                  |         |                 B(2PCS)   C(3G)                __|__               |      |            C(1G)    D(2G) */-->SQL查询如下:;with t as (   select *,qty as xs--,0 as lvl  from (      select null as parentno,[parentno] as childno,[qty],[unit] from bom_a      union all      select * from bom_b  ) as tb   where childno='A'  union all  select a.*,b.qty--,b.lvl+1   from (      select null as parentno,[parentno] as childno,[qty],[unit] from bom_a      union all      select * from bom_b  ) as a join t as  b on a.[parentno]=b.[childno]), t1 as(  select childno 料号,sum(qty*xs) as auxqty,unit   from t   group by childno,unit )select a.料号,需求数=cast(a.auxqty*b.数量-isnull(c.数量,0) as dec(18,2)),a.unit 单位 from t1 a  join [销售订单] b     on a.料号<>b.料号  left join [存货表] c     on a.料号=c.料号/*料号   需求数                                     单位---- --------------------------------------- ----C    10000.00                                GD    8000.00                                 GB    3000.00                                 pcs(3 行受影响)*/
SQL code
--> 生成测试数据表:bom_aIf not object_id('[bom_a]') is null    Drop table [bom_a]GoCreate table [bom_a]([parentno] nvarchar(1),[qty] decimal(18,2),[unit] nvarchar(3))Insert bom_aSelect 'A',1.0,'pcs' union allSelect 'B',1.0,'pcs'Go--Select * from bom_a--> 生成测试数据表:bom_bIf not object_id('[bom_b]') is null    Drop table [bom_b]GoCreate table [bom_b]([parentno] nvarchar(1),[childno] nvarchar(1),[qty] decimal(18,2),[unit] nvarchar(3))Insert bom_bSelect 'A','B',2.0,'pcs' union allSelect 'A','C',3.0,'G' union allSelect 'B','C',1.0,'G' union allSelect 'B','D',2.0,'G'Go-->SQL查询如下:;with t as (   select px=cast(childno as varchar(max)),*,0 as lvl  from (      select null as parentno,[parentno] as childno,[qty],[unit] from bom_a      union all      select * from bom_b  ) as tb     where parentno is null  union all  select cast(b.px+'.'+a.childno as varchar(max)),a.*,b.lvl+1   from (      select null as parentno,[parentno] as childno,[qty],[unit] from bom_a      union all      select * from bom_b  ) as a join t as  b on a.[parentno]=b.[childno])select case when lvl=0 then childno else replicate('  ',lvl)+'|'+replicate('--',lvl)+childno end as ItemNo,qty,unit,lvlfrom t order by px,lvl/*ItemNo    qty    unit    lvl-------- ---- ---- ----A    1.00    pcs    0  |--B    2.00    pcs    1    |----C    1.00    G    2    |----D    2.00    G    2  |--C    3.00    G    1B    1.00    pcs    0  |--C    1.00    G    1  |--D    2.00    G    1(8 行受影响)*/ 
