优化别人的代码,求助!!!!!! 解决就给分
问:hibernate是不是有像 count(*) 这样的函数。 应该怎么改。速度上来马上给满分。
List list4 = this.siSorInformDeptDao.getNotAskRecievedByDepidAndDateAndStatus(asDepid,
InformSorType.RECIVE_INFORM, asStart, asEnd, InformSorStatus.SIGNIN_INFORM_ALREADY);
iNotAskRecievedS = list4.size();
public List getNotAskRecievedByDepidAndDateAndStatus(String asDepid, String asType, String asStart, String asEnd, String asStatus) {
// TODO 自动生成方法体
String strDepid = asDepid;
String strType = asType;
String strStatus = asStatus;
String strStartDate = asStart;
String strEndDate = asEnd;
String strSql = " ";
strSql = " from SiSorInformDept m1,SiInform m2 where (m1.siInform.id=m2.id and m1.sorDept= "
+ strDepid + " and m1.sorType= " + strType + " and m1.sorStatus= " + strStatus + ") and (TO_CHAR(m1.sendDate, 'yyyy/MM/dd ')> = ' " + strStartDate
+ " ' and " + " TO_CHAR(m1.sendDate, 'yyyy/MM/dd ') <= ' " + strEndDate
+ " ') and ((TO_CHAR(m1.signinDate, 'yyyy/MM/dd ')> TO_CHAR(m2.askForDate, 'yyyy/MM/dd ')) ";
strSql += "or (m1.notarrivelSource is not null and length(rtrim(ltrim(m1.notarrivelSource)))> 0)) ";
return getHibernateTemplate().find(strSql);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error( "根据部门ID和日期期间和记录状态获得记录集合失败! ", re);
throw re;
直接在strSql 前面加上select count(*)不就好了么?......
直接在strSql 前面加上select count(*)不就好了么?......
不可取 这更影响速度~