// Here are the initial values for our animation
var x = 0, y = 0, w=200, h=200; // Window position and size
var dx = 5, dy = 5; // Window velocity
var interval = 100; // Milliseconds between updates
// Create the window that we 're going to move around
// The javascript: URL is simply a way to display a short document
// The final argument specifies the window size
var win = window.open( 'javascript: " <h1> BOUNCE! </h1> " ', " ",
"width= " + w + ",height= " + h);
// Set the initial position of the window
// Use setInterval( ) to call the bounce( ) method every interval
// milliseconds. Store the return value so that we can stop the
// animation by passing it to clearInterval( ).
var intervalID = window.setInterval( "bounce( ) ", interval);
// This function moves the window by (dx, dy) every interval ms
// It bounces whenever the window reaches the edge of the screen
function bounce( ) {
// If the user closed the window, stop the animation
if (win.closed) {
// Bounce if we have reached the right or left edge
if ((x+dx > (screen.availWidth - w)) || (x+dx < 0)) dx = -dx;
// Bounce if we have reached the bottom or top edge
if ((y+dy > (screen.availHeight - h)) || (y+dy < 0)) dy = -dy;
// Update the current position of the window
x += dx;
y += dy;
// Finally, move the window to the new position
<!-- Clicking this button stops the animation! -->
<input type= "button " value= "Stop "
onclick= "clearInterval(intervalID); win.close( ); ">