Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
Dim dnumber As Integer
Dim av As Variant
Dim times As Integer
Dim Firstrun As Integer
Dim ab(2) As Byte
Dim IP(4000) As Double
Dim DCVol As Double
Dim Volampoff As Double
Dim KpOff As Double
Dim TimeWind As Double
Dim KiOff As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim AX As Double
Dim axis1 As Double
HScroll2(0).Enabled = False
Select Case MSComm1.CommEvent
Case comEvReceive
MSComm1.RThreshold = 0
i = 0
Firstrun = 0
For i = 0 To (xtime_temp - NumByteOne - 1) Step 1
If (Firstrun = 0) Then
av = MSComm1.Input
Loop Until av(0) = 255
Firstrun = 1
av = MSComm1.Input
End If
IP(i) = av(0)
If IP(i) > 127 Then
IP(i) = 256 - IP(i)
IP(i) = -IP(i)
End If
Next i
'axis1 = 2580
AX = 1200
If (ProjectNum = 8) Then
ProjectNum = 1
For i = 0 To (xtime_temp - NumByteOne - 1) Step NumByteOne
axis1 = 2580
Line (AX, axis1 - (yamplitude / 1100) * IP(i + 1) * 17.2)-(AX + 10440 / xtime_temp, axis1 - (yamplitude / 1100) * IP(i + 1 + NumByteOne) * 17.2), RGB(255, 0, 0)
axis1 = 2580
Line (AX, axis1 - (yamplitude / 1100) * IP(i + 2) * 17.2)-(AX + 10440 / xtime_temp, axis1 - (yamplitude / 1100) * IP(i + 2 + NumByteOne) * 17.2), RGB(0, 255, 0)
AX = AX + 10440 / ((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) '17.2对应4.3安培电流,4.3A对应DSP传到PC机上为68
Text3(2).Text = Str(IP(i + 3) / 64) '单位:欧母
Text3(3).Text = Str(IP(i + 4) * 1000 / 8192) '单位:mH
DCVol = 64 '直流母线电压,单位V
Volampoff = DCVol / 1250 '电压放大倍数
KpOff = (IP(i + 4) / 8192) / (2 * Volampoff * (0.00005 * 1) * (2 ^ 20)) '对应模拟系统电流PI比例系数,0.00005*1(s)表示闭环上最小环节时间常数之和,需要微调
If ((IP(i + 3) * IP(i + 4)) <> 0) Then
TimeWind = (IP(i + 4) / 8192) / (IP(i + 3) / 64) '绕组时间常数,单位s
KiOff = KpOff / TimeWind '对应模拟系统电流PI积分系数
End If
Text2(2) = Str(KpOff)
Text2(3) = Str(KiOff)
Next i
ProjectNum = ProjectNum + 1
End If
Text7(0).Text = Str(0)
Text7(1).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 1)
Text7(2).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 2)
Text7(3).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 3)
Text7(4).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 4)
Text7(5).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 5)
Text7(6).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 6)
Text7(7).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 7)
Text7(8).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 8)
Text7(9).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 9)
Text7(10).Text = Str(((xtime_temp - NumByteOne) / NumByteOne) * 0.005 * NumByteDSPOne * 10)
Text5(1).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * 4 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(2).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * 3 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(3).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * 2 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(4).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * 1 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(5).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * 0 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(6).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * -1 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(7).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * -2 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(8).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * -3 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Text5(9).Text = Str((MaxCurrent / 5) * -4 * 2 / (yamplitude / 1100))
Loop Until Startrun = 1
Case Else
End Select
xtime_temp = xtime
MSComm1.RThreshold = xtime_temp
HScroll2(0).Enabled = True
End Sub