delphi 中
function StartReadCard(aHandle: THandle; ComPort: PChar; BaudRate: Integer; var Buffer: array of Byte; var DataLength: Integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'ReadCard.dll';
buf: array[0..4] of Byte;
i: integer;
iDateLen: Integer;
sCommPort: string;
iCommType: Integer;
iIDReaderType: Byte;
iBaudRate: Integer;
sCardNo: string;
FillChar(buf, 5, 0);
sCommPort := 'com6';
iBaudRate := 9600;
if StartReadCard(Application.Handle, PChar(sCommPort), iBaudRate, buf, iDateLen) then
end if
Private Declare Function StartReadCard Lib "ReadCard.dll" (ByVal aHandle As Long, ByVal ComPort As String, ByVal BaudRate As Integer, ByRef Buffer As byte , ByRef DataLength As Long) As Boolean
Dim buf() As byte
Dim i As Integer
Dim iDateLen As Long
Dim sCommPort As String
Dim iCommType As Integer
Dim iIDReaderType As Byte
Dim iBaudRate As Integer
Dim sCardNo As String
Dim OriginalCardID As Long
sCommPort = "com6"
iBaudRate = 9600
ReDim buf(4)
For i = 0 To UBound(buf)
buf(i) = "0"
Next i
If StartReadCard(App.hInstance, sCommPort, iBaudRate, buf(0), VarPtr(iDateLen)) Then
end if
Option Explicit'function StartReadCard(aHandle: THandle;' ComPort: PChar;' BaudRate: Integer;' var Buffer:array of Byte;' var DataLength: Integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'ReadCard.dll';Private Declare Function StartReadCard Lib "ReadCard.dll" (ByVal aHandle As Long, _ ByVal ComPort As String, _ ByVal BaudRate As Long, _ Buffer() As Byte, _ ByVal DataLength As Long) As BooleanPrivate Sub Form_Load() Dim buf() As Byte Dim i As Integer Dim iDateLen As Long Dim sCommPort As String Dim iCommType As Integer Dim iIDReaderType As Byte Dim iBaudRate As Integer Dim sCardNo As String Dim OriginalCardID As Long sCommPort = "COM6" iBaudRate = 9600 ReDim buf(4) For i = 0 To UBound(buf) buf(i) = "0" Next i If StartReadCard(App.hInstance, sCommPort, iBaudRate, ByVal VarPtr(buf(0)), iDateLen) Then End IfEnd Sub
function StartReadCard(aHandle: THandle; ComPort: PChar; BaudRate: Integer; var Buffer: array of Byte; var DataLength: Integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'ReadCard.dll';
Private Declare Function StartReadCard Lib "ReadCard.dll" (ByVal aHandle As Long, ByVal ComPort As Byte, ByVal BaudRate As Long, ByRef Buffer As byte , ByRef DataLength As Long) As Boolean