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期終考試題目,國外友人的,俺不會jsp只好請教大大門 注意事項


期終考試題目,國外朋友的,俺不會jsp只好請教大大門 注意事項

The   following   database   tables   were   created   with   the   following   SQL   statements.   This   information   together   with   a   sample   data   damp   is   available   on   ULearn   (coursework’s   area).   This   is   only   necessary   if   you   want   to   install   and   use   a   database   (i.e.   MySQL)   on   your   own   PC   instead   of   using   the   (in-campus)   available   database.   To   install   MySQL   go   to:   http://www.mysql.org/downloads/mysql/5.0.html.

You   can   also   download   the   administrative   tools   to   manage   the   data   using   a   GUI   (http://www.mysql.org/downloads/gui-tools/5.0.html).   Finally   the   Java   connector   (JDBC   driver)   can   be   downloaded   from:

CREATE   TABLE     `webtech`.`tasks`   (
    `title`   VARCHAR(255)   NOT   NULL,
    `description`   TEXT,
    `creator`   INTEGER   UNSIGNED   NOT   NULL,
    `creation_date`   DATETIME   NOT   NULL,
    `start_date`   DATETIME   DEFAULT   NULL,
    `end_date`   DATETIME   DEFAULT   NULL,
    `category`   INTEGER   UNSIGNED   NOT   NULL,
    `priority`   SMALLINT(1)   UNSIGNED   DEFAULT   '0 '   COMMENT   '0:   not   assigned;   1:   low;   2:   med;   3:   high ',
    `status`   SMALLINT(1)   UNSIGNED   NOT   NULL   DEFAULT   0   COMMENT   '0:   not   started;   2:   started;   3:   completed ',
    PRIMARY   KEY(`id`)

CREATE   TABLE   `webtech`.`users`   (
    `name`   VARCHAR(100)   NOT   NULL,
    `username`   VARCHAR(50)   NOT   NULL,
    `password`   VARCHAR(16)   NOT   NULL   COMMENT   'Max   16   characters ',
    PRIMARY   KEY(`id`)

CREATE   TABLE     `webtech`.`category`   (
    `id`   INTEGER   UNSIGNED   NOT   NULL   auto_increment,
    `name`   VARCHAR(50)   NOT   NULL,
    `colour`   VARCHAR(50)   DEFAULT   NULL,
    PRIMARY   KEY     (`id`,`name`)


Exemplar   SQL   statements:

Get   all   task   records   of   a   user   with   id=1:
    SELECT   t.*,   c.name   FROM   tasks   t,   category   c   WHERE   t.creator=1;

Update   the   status   and   priority   of   a   task   record   with   id=1:
    UPDATE   tasks   t   SET   t.`status`=1,   t.priority=2   WHERE   t.id=1;

Insert   a   new   task   category:
    INSERT   INTO   category   (`name`)   VALUES   ( "my   new   category ");
1.Make   sure   that   you   do   not   use   Microsoft   double   quotes   (“)   or   (”)   within   your   source   code   and   use   ( ")   instead.   This   sometimes   is   difficult   to   spot   and   can   cause   lots   of   problems!
2.Don’t   forget   to   add   a   form   element   on   the   HTML   page.
3.Name   all   elements   you   are   going   to   use,   giving   them   a   unique   name.
4.Keep   the   code   simple   and   use   proper   indentation.
5.Give   some   friendly   instructions   (guidance)   for   the   user   accessing   the   page.

Formatting   :   There   is   no   formatting.   All   your   code   should   be   written   in   plain   text   (i.e.   use   notepad   for   that   or   an   HTML   editor).

WARNING   :   You   are   free   to   use   any   books   or   electronic   resources   for   your   assignment.   However   you   should   write   your   own   programming   code,   based   on   the   knowledge   acquired   from   these   sources.   Copying   programming   code   that   belongs   to   other   people   including   your   classmates   is   called   plagiarism.   Every   coursework   deemed   to   contain   copied   material   will   incur   severe   penalties   in   marking.   It   can   be   given   a   total   mark   of   0.   To   avoid   this   you   must   reference   all   your   sources   (i.e.   as   comments   within   your   source   code).   If   in   doubt   as   to   what   constitutes   plagiarism   please   come   and   see   me   immediately.

Marking   scheme:   The   assignment’s   mark   is   30%   from   the   overall   mark.   Each   part   of   the   coursework   is   marked   according   to   the   following   schema:


up for u
