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新年的第一个交易日,中国股市大跳水,启动了"熔断机制";我们知道LED, 那么OLED是什么呢?车载导航是怎么一回

新年的第一个交易日,中国股市大跳水,启动了"熔断机制";我们知道LED, 那么OLED是什么呢?车载导航是怎么一回事儿?

有机发光显示器OLED: Organic Light Emitting Display

可弯曲的柔性屏已经提了好多年,但真正商用还只是刚刚开始。但来自韩国的三星、LG一直致力于柔性屏技术的研发,今年CES 2016大展上,LG就展示了他们的最新18寸OLED柔性屏,相当震撼。

The technology builds on LG's forward-looking OLED work focusing on bendable, rollable and curving displays.

市场剧烈波动Market swings

证监会深夜叫停熔断机制 (circuit breaker), 155分钟A股蒸发6万亿!
The so-called circuit breakers were introduced this week in the wake of last year's wild market swings.

反垄断调查Antitrust inquiry/ investigation

A Chinese regulator said that it would open a new antitrust investigation of Microsoft (开启新的针对微软的反垄断调查), related to electronic data that the government collected as part of an earlier inquiry.
中方在相关调查文章中表示,微软涉嫌在2014年决定不再为老旧的Windows XP提供支持和安全更新,造成电脑兼容性问题。按中方法律规定“不事先警告消费者不兼容可被认作具有反竞争性质”。

引爆首颗氢弹Detonate its first hydrogen bomb

North Korea declared Tuesday night that it has detonated its first hydrogen bomb, a weapon far more powerful than it has set off previously.

车载导航Onboard navigation

The auto has a smartphone integrated into its steering for onboard navigation and other useful information, and a helmet that provides its driver with water and oxygen.
与乐视公司合作的硅谷初创公司Faraday Future, 在2016CES上推出FFZero 1概念电动汽车,酷似蝙蝠侠座驾,车内只有一个座位,呈45度,驾驶者需要佩戴通气和通水的头盔,以保证高速驾驶过程中的安全性。
