谢振礼 雅思写作讲义
What do you think of grouping students by ability in schools?
Should students be able to grade their teachers?
Does technology makes people more alone? (Can improvements in technology make people more isolated?)
Are we becoming too dependent on computers? (Is technology bad for our society today?)
Do celebrities earn too much money?
Does globalisation do more harm than good to the environment?
Have celebrities become a burden on society rather than positive role models?
Is the majority's opinion always correct?
Is homework harmful?
Is peer pressure more useful or harmful?
Do violent video games make people more violent in real life? (Do video games contribute to youth violence?)
Are violent movies a bad influence?
Do we need security cameras in almost everywhere?
Can people have a happy family life and a successful career at the same time?
Should smoking be banned worldwide?
Are school uniforms necessary? (Should students be required to wear uniforms at schools?)
Do you prefer single-sex schools or co-ed schools?
Are the elderly population a drain on society or not?
Do you think social networking sites are reducing our social skills?
Has social media had a negative effect on society, or today's generation?
Should capital punishment (the death penalty) be banned? (Do you support death penalty?)
Does harsher punishments prevent the crime?
Should everyone become a vegetarian? (Should a society embrace a vegan lifestyle?)
Should animal testing be made illegal? (Should animals be used for scientific experimentation?)
Should the use of animals in sports and entertainment be banned?
Are zoos good for animals?
Is online learning as good as learning with teachers?
Is personal freedom more important than personal safety? Why?
Are we too late on global climate change? (Is climate change man-made or natural?)