1.It is called “eagle”. It earned its name from its shape, like a lonely eagle, with a kind of quiet power overlooking the ground. It’s attractive to me because it’s so mysterious, as if it's holding a secret. When we got to the top of the mountain, we shouted “we are king of the world!”. You know the feeling of excitement when you have finally attained your destination—the feeling that you have conquered the mountain. And above all, you have conquered yourself. Later we sat on the top of the mountain quietly, hand in hand, and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of setting sun. I started to grow up here. It was like a second home, and it often remind me of the sweetest memories of my childhood.
1) 最重要的一个决定 (参加登山队一年 终于鼓起勇气去挑战登山)
2) 空闲时做的事 (喜欢爬山喽)
3) 所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方(名为Eagle的山)
4) 你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方(郊区的山)
5) 你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area (山)
6) What do you miss most when you are away from home? (伴随自己长大的山)
7) 描述一次chanllenging experience, 以及如何解决这个challenge ( 登山遇到困难 自己的毅力 智慧 朋友的帮助)
8) Describe a special opportunity given to you (在海边长大 一直梦想爬山 终于有机会)
9) 描述一个你没去但是很想去的地方(一座险峻的山)
10) Describe a interesting book (一个女孩写的游记 引起你登山的兴趣)
11) 喜欢的运动 (登山)
2.I cannot imagine how my life would be without piano. It’s a good way to relax. After a day of tedious work, I would turn to piano to sooth my mind. From very moment my fingers are on the keyboard, I found myself drowned in a completely different world. It’s a world of music, a world of fun, a world of Chopin and Beethoven. More importantly, it makes me an artistic person. With the cultivation of piano, I see the same world, but with different eyes. I’m able to find the beauty of nature, like an unknown flower by the road.
1) An important skill for you (弹钢琴,希望成为钢琴家)
2) 最想从事的职业(钢琴家)
3) 最重要的一本书 (肖邦的故事 使你决心成为钢琴家)
4) 空闲时做的事 (弹钢琴 放松 休息 帮助发现生活中的美)
3.Gary (my dog) is an incredible friend, very affectionate and caring. Whenever I come home he’s always there to appreciate my company. He understands me; he can read me very well. Once I was dumped by my boyfriend and felt very frustrated. Tears was puddling in my eyes. Gary came to me, and licked my tears up my saying it’s okay. He didn’t speak of course, but by staring into his eyes, I can communicate with him deep into heart, deeper than even my best friend in the real world. When I held him in my arms, I learned that even though the whole world had dumped me, Gary would not.
1) 空闲时做的事 (和狗聊天)
2) 如何放松(和狗聊天)
3) 一个帮助过你的朋友(我的狗狗)
4) 喜欢的动物 (当然是狗啦)
5) 你的目标是什么, 要叙述它的重要性以及会影响你什么(成为钢琴家 满足自己的爱好 令自己更有艺术气息)
4.My father is a humble guy. He’s a pretty prestigious doctor in our city, but he never makes a big show of it. He has this permanent smile on his face. He’s very generous and always lend money to patients, without even expecting them to pay it back. He taught me that you could be very disciplined and hard working but still be very kind. He taught me that you don't do kindness just to gain favor, but because that's what your true nature expects you to do. Unlike other parents, his concern is not so much with my grades but my effort.
1) 对你影响最深刻的人 (父亲)
2) 一个你敬佩的人的好性格(父亲的谦虚 慷慨)
3) Characteristics of friends (谦虚 慷慨 像我父亲一样)
4) a good teacher (父亲是我人生中第一个也是最重要的老师)
5) The characteristics of a good parent (模范作用 谦虚 慷慨 更看重子女的努力而非成绩)