IELTS Writing Task 2:Teaching children about money
#You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
>Many parents think that it is necessary to teach children about money. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
#Outline: a 4-paragraph essay. Position: agree.
Stick to one method: introduction=body A +body B=conclusion
坚持一套范文写作 坚持四段 起承转合
起 Introduction--The importance of teaching children about money: to spend wisely and save regularly.
承 Body paragraph A--Children learn to spend money wisely.
转 Body paragraph B--Children learn to save money regularly.
合 Conclusion--Children should be taught about money: spending wisely and saving constantly.
#Example writing by 谢振礼 Jeenn Lee Hsieh:
Given how important financial skills to navigating life, it is surprising that parents do not teach children about money. Children are never too young to be taught the essentials of money, such as spending wisely and saving regularly. It is up to parents to raise a generation of mindful consumers and savers.
In today's materialist society, children are potential consumers of a rather "defenseless" kind, so they need to learn about the appropriate ways of spending money. To give only one example, it is clear that some TV advertisements are particularly targeting at kids from as young as three years old. At different age levels, the very young people tend to be tempted to buy different products that appear on TV commercials, ranging from electronic toys to junk foods. It is usually difficult for them to be wise enough to associate the concept of the price of a product in relation to its value, unless they learn from their parents (if of course adults are any wiser at all, for that matter). Anyway, teaching children self-discipline with money serves to prevent them from getting into debt and making bad financial decisions in the future. Without learning to be prudent about money, it is likely that, when they grow up, they may know the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Further, under the parental guidance, children should learn to begin saving money (such as part of the weekly or monthly allowance) as a habit. This is probably their initial step toward investment or making money in their future lives, although this sort of habit is usually easier said than done. However, parents should realize that it pays to teach children to be regular savers so as to live financially fit lives as teenagers and young adults. Added to that, parents are the number one influence on their children's behaviors, including the budget ones. This means that fathers and mothers should play the role of role models in the family about saving money (and earning money). To get started, perhaps all a child needs to learn to become a constant saver is the Golden Rule: "A penny saved is a penny earned".
In sum, teaching children about money is a good policy that requires parents' attention. In some cases, it must depend on parents' knowledge and experience as examples for their children to follow. Nevertheless, the irony is that many adults do not know much about money along with financial skills, do they?. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh, 询问谢振礼写作讲义人民币60元)