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  33. bread

  I‘m only dong it for the bread. 我纯粹是为了钱才做那件事。

  34. breath

  They are not be mentioned in the same breath. 他们不可同日而语。

  There wasn‘t a breath of air/wind. 一丝微风都没有。

  35. brother

  He is my brother. 他是我的兄弟。

  36. building

  buidling materials 建筑材料

  building site 建筑工地

  37. burn

  He died of the burns he received in the fire. 他死于火灾时所受到的灼伤。

  38. burst

  a burst of applause 一阵喝彩

  39. business

  He is in business of himself. 他自行经商。

  That‘s no business of yours. 那事与你无关。

  I‘m sick of the whole business. 我对这事情实在感到厌烦。

  40. butter

  butter will not melt in sb‘s mouth 一本正经的样子

  peanut buttter 花生酱

  41. canvas

  He is canvassing for the Conservative candidates. 他正在替保守党候选人奔走拉票。

  42. care

  Take care (that) you don‘t get run over when you cross the street. 当你穿越街道时,小心不要被车子撞到。

  I will leave this in your care. 我将此事交由你负责。

  He seems free from care. 他显得无忧无虑。

  43. cause

  You have no cause for comlaint. 你没有理由抱怨。

  44. chalk

  The girl like to collect chalks with various colors. 女孩喜欢收集各色粉笔。

  45. chance

  Let‘s leave it to chance. 我们就让它听其自然。

  It‘s the chance of a lifetime. 这是一生中难得再遇到的机会。

  46. change

  Take a change of clothes with you. 带一套换洗的衣服。

  I have no small change. 我没有零钱。

  Let‘s hope there will be a change in weather. 但愿天气会变好。

  47. cloth

  a floor cloth 擦地板布

  a dish cloth 洗碗布

  48. coal

  A hot coal fell from the fire and burnt a hole in the carpet. 火炉中调出来一块煤,把地毯烧了一个洞。

  carry coals to Newcastle 多此一举

  49. color

  She has very little color. 她面色苍白。

  50. comfort

  It‘s a comfort to know that she is safe. 知道她平安无事令人安慰。

  comfort station – (US) public lavatory (美) 公共厕所





