23.Paragraphs 1&2______________.
24.Paragraph 3______________.
25.Paragraph 4______________.
26.Paragraph 5______________.
27.One advantage of CD—RWs is that they can____________like floppy disks.
28.The author predicts it will not before a new technology is invented for music recording.
29.The laser beam—emitting device and the receiver are considered to___________0f a CD player.
30.Space probes could not____________ without using digital codes.
第一篇 Cell Phones Increase Traffic,Pedestrian Fatalities
31.The two new studies lead—authored by Professor Peter D.Loeb
A.show that talking on the phone while driving or walking in the street increases deaths of driv—ers and pedestrians.
B.show that talking on the phone while driving increases pedestrian deaths.
C.recommend that strict measures be taken to restrain eell phone use.
D.both A and C.
32.According to the second paragraph,when did cell phones actually help to reduce pedestrian and traffic fatalities?
A.Right after eell phones were invented.
B.Before the number of eell phone users reached a critical mass.
C.When cell phone users totaled to a certain number.
D.When the number of cell phones decreased to a certain number.
33.What is said about cell phone use in paragraph 4?
A.The number of cell phones in use exploded in the late 1980s and part of the 1990s.
B.The number of traffic deaths was reduced in the late 1980s and part of the 1990s due to eell phone use.
C.Cell phone users are likely to be involved in traffic accidents.
D.The use of cell phones has a life—saving effect for pedestrians and drivers.
34.What is said about cell phone use in the mid一1 980s in paragraph 5?
A.It had a life—taking effect because there weren’t enough cell phones in use then.
B.The increased use of cell phones then caused a life—taking effect.
C.Traffic fatalities increased then because the number of eell phones in use decreased.
D.Traffic fatalities decreased then because the number of eell phones in use increased.
35.Which of the following statements DOES NOT answer the question“What caused the life-sav-ing effect to occur in the early 1990s?”
A.There were more cell phone users d uring that period.
B.The number of eelI phone users reached about 100 million.
C.More cell phones were used to call 911 when accidents occurred.
D.Cell phones enabled people to have quick access to 911 services.