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  Part Ⅴ Cloze (15 minutes)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Modern people wear many masks that keep their reality confined and ____67___, even to themselves. The possibility of encountering one’s ____68___, learning about one’s self, is frightening and ____69___. Many people expect ____70___ the worst. A hidden fear ____71___ the fact that they may also discover the best. To discover the worst is to face the decision of ____72___ or not to continue in the same pattern. To learn the best is to face the decision of whether or not to live up ____73___ it. ____74___ discovery may involve change and ____75___ causes anxiety. ____76___ , this can be a creative anxiety which may be thought of as excitement—the excitement of enhancing one’s ____77___ for being a winner. Transactional analysis is a(n) ____78___ you can use to know yourself, to know how you relate to others, and to discover the dramatic ____79___ your life is taking. The unit of personality structure is the ego state. By becoming ____80___ of your ego state, you can ____81___ between your various sources of thoughts, feelings, and behavior pattern. You can be more aware of the choices available to you. The unit of measure in interpersonal relationships is the ____82___. By analyzing your transactions, you can gain a ____83___ conscious control of how you operate with other people and how they operate with you. Transactional analysis is a practical ____84___ from which you can ____85___ old decisions and behavior and change ____86___ you decide is desirable for you to change.

  67. [A]known [B]unknown [C]surrounded [D]unlimited

  68. [A]mask [B]armor [C]reality [D]fact

  69. [A]frustrating [B]exciting [C]interesting [D]encouraging

  70. [A]discovering [B]to discover [C]be discovered [D]to be discovered

  71. [A]relies on [B]lies in [C]based on [D]according to

  72. [A]how [B]why [C]what [D]whether

  73. [A]to [B]on [C]with [D]in

  74. [A]Both [B]Either [C]One [D]Neither

  75. [A]therefore [B]however [C]even [D]but

  76. [A]Therefore [B]Moreover [C]Then [D]However

  77. [A]possibility [B]pattern [C]anxiety [D]decision

  78. [A]instrument [B]appliance [C]equipment [D]tool

  79. [A]course [B]process [C]track [D]direction

  80. [A]beware [B]aware [C]awake [D]unconscious

  81. [A]choose [B]change [C]distinguish [D]compare

  82. [A]transaction [B]transition [C]transmission [D]transformation

  83. [A]much [B]more [C]few [D]little

  84. [A]desire [B]frame [C]stage [D]step

  85. [A]evaluate [B]change [C]make [D]decide

  86. [A]which [B]that [C]whether [D]what

  67.【解析】[B]考查上下文意思的衔接。本文主要讲了现代人都带着各种面具来掩盖真实的自己。发现真实的自我,不论是好的还是坏的方面,都使人们感到焦虑,因为人们要决定到底是继续原来不好的模式,还是达到好的标准。沟通分析是帮助人们了解自己的一种工具。通过分析与他人的沟通和交流,我们可以控制自己和他人交往的行为。本句要表达的是“戴着面具使自己不被人了解”。只有B项 unknown为正确答案。




  71.【解析】[B]考查动词短语的意思。隐藏的恐惧在于他们可能也会发现最好的一面。rely on依赖于;lie in在于; base on 指以……为基础;according to 指依照;根据题意可知B项 lies in为正确答案。

  72.【解析】[D]考查上下文意思的衔接。如果发现最坏的,人们必须决定是否要这样继续下去。whether or not 用在此处表示是否要。

  73.【解析】[A]考查短语的搭配。是否要做到跟原来一样好。live up to 表示达到、做到。




  77.【解析】[A]考查对上下文的理解。这种激动可能会促使一个人成为胜利者。只有 possibility 符合题意。


  79.【解析】[A]词义辨析题。知道自己人生所走的富有戏剧性的道路。course指路线,进程;process 指过程;track指轨迹;direction指方向。



  82.【解析】[A]考查上下文意思的衔接。衡量人际关系的标准是他们的沟通。transactional analysis是这种分析方法的名称,显然它是以人们之间的沟通作为分析的对象的。


  84.【解析】[B]词义辨析题。沟通分析是一种实际设计。由文章可知,沟通分析是一种有效的了解自身的方式。desire显然不合题意; stage阶段;step步骤;与题意不符,为错误答案。B为正确答案。

  85.【解析】[A]词义辨析题。对以前的决定和行为进行评价。对旧的决定显然已经无法改变,故B不正确;C和D 均不能搭配,为错误答案,只有 evaluate是正确答案。

  86.【解析】[D]考查代词的用法。改变你认为值得改变的东西。what 作decide 的宾语,表示你决定的是什么。





