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  The rocket engine, with its steady roar like that of a waterfall or athunderstorm, is an impressive symbol of the new spaceage.Rocket engines have 1_ powerful enough to shootastronauts 2_ the earth’s gravitational pull and 3_ them on themoon.We have now become 4_ space.

  Impressive and complex 5_ it may appear, the rocket, whichwas 6_ in China over 800 years 7_ , is a relatively simpledevice.Fuel that is 8_ in the rocket engine changes 9_ gas.The hot and rapidly 10 _gas mustescape, but it can do so only 11_ an opening that 12_ backward.As the gas is 13_ with greatforce, it 14_ the rocket in the 15 _direction.Like the kick of a gun 16_ it is fired, it 17_ the laws ofnature 18_ by Sir Isaac Newton when he discovered that“ 19_ every action, there is 20_ equaland opposite reaction.”

  1.A.shown B.been C.appeared D.proved

  2.A.against B.despite C.beyond D.from

  3.A.send B.land C.take D.carry

  4.A.travelers B.astronauts C.researchers D.explorers

  5.A.that B.so C.as D.sometimes

  6.A.made B.discovered C.developed D.invented

  7.A.in advance B.before C.earlier D.ago

  8.A.round B.contained C.stored D.burned

  9.A.as B.into C.for D.the

  10.A.heating B.escaping C.expanding D.conducting

  11.A.in B.at C.by D.through

  12.A.turns B.goes C.faces D.directs

  13.A.transmitted B.dispersed C.erected D.radiated

  14.A.attracts B.leads C.pulls D.pushes

  15.A.same B.other C.opposite D.wrong

  16.A.that B.when C.if D.although

  17.A.states B.proves C.follows D.breaks

  18.A.described B.discussed C.considered D.made

  19.A.like B.as C.with D.for

  20.A.no B.an C.another D.theCloze
