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  对美国文化常见的批评,是说美国人过分热衷于物质产品而忽视人的精神。据称,美国人只崇拜“万能的美元”。我们美国人在生活上竞相攀比。美国人钟情于汽车,这一直是国内外批评家嘲笑美国人的话。他们说,美国人以数量作为人生的伦理。东西是越大越好,无论是炸弹还是轿车。大多数美国人已不在乎彬彬有礼、和睦相处、量入为出的古典美 。其结果,我们美国人被说成吞噬着世界上不可再生的自然资源。美国人占世界人口的百分之六,却消大海屉上三分之一以上的能源。这些是我们现在常常听到的抱怨。的确,在某些方面,美国人可能信奉“追求幸福”就是追求物质享受。


  Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling

  1. urbanization2. uncontrolled

  3. common 4. unemployment

  5. peculiar/unique6. industrialization

  7. consequences8. migrate/move

  9. desirable10. populated

  11. pressure12. health

  13. excess14. stop/stem/check

  15. developing16. land

  17. motivated/willing18. rural

  19. financial20. Landowners

  Part B: Listening and Translation

  Ⅰ. Sentence Translation

  1. 纽约市的主要部分是个岛,你只能通过隧道或桥才能接近它。

  2. 在中心城区泊车收费十分高昂,因此大多数人 驱车进城要犹豫再三。

  3. 我是伦敦总公司来的销售代表,我想与你详细讨论一下销售合 。

  4. 中国是世界上第三大国,仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大,有4000 多年不间断的历史。

  5. 由于政府采取的新措施,在过去5 年内,该国的旅游业年平均增长率为10%。

  Ⅱ. Passage Translation

  1. 终生教育的想法是可行的,因为我们决不会因年纪太大而不能继续学习。当然,这里会有某些限制,但不是年龄上的限制。例如,有人年过60 还想学踢足球。他这样做 是愚蠢的,但这仅仅因为是他的身体太老了,而不是智力的退化。

  2. 现在,很难知道该去哪儿投资。不断变化的利率、银行收费以及各种不的投资账户,让人感到十分困惑。所以当您知道,在北方银行有友好、专业水准的服务,保证使您如何处置自己的钱财作出正确的决策,岂非一件大好事?我们可以在诸如保险、抵押和退休金等一系列项目上向您提供咨询。请随时光临北方银行各分行。我们将高兴地见到您!


  1. Because they set fire to a neighbour's house, causing 4000 pound and damage destroying everything the family owned.

  2. The corporal punishment mentioned in this passage refers to beating of children/pupils youngsters as a form of punishment when they behave badly. The examples cited in the passage are flogging/whipping, cuffing round/slapping the ear and smacking on the hand.

  3. According to Judge Rodwell, minor forms of corporal punisnment are“swift”and direct, which can easily lead children to understand their misdemeanour/bad behavior and stop“minor incidents escalating”.

  4. Here,“suspension is hardly a sanction”means“ordering the pupil to leave school for a short period is not an effective punishment.”It can not stop the minor incidents/ offence and is of no educational/ disciplinary significance to children. As a result, it has almost no impact on many children.

  5. Because these train companies put up very high bidding price and profit target in order to win the bids. Therefore, even the 16 percent increase of revenue over seven years will not be enough to cover the bidding cost and profit target they promised.

  6. In the earlier bidding of these franchises, the bidding conditions were more favourable to the bidders. The train services were either“free of charge”or sold at a very low price.

  7. It has caught the party off-hand and forced its transport team into embarrassing U-turns./ They would/will make big changes in their rail policy and would have to pay more subsidy to some train services.

  8. As the price of singles flat is on the rise, it is time for prospective buyers to make quick decisions when they find both the price and the flat are acceptable.

  9. Buyers often choose two-bed flats so that the other bed can be let to a friend. In this way, they can use the rent collected to pay the mortgage and to lower their own burden.

  10. This example shows the effects of rising price of singles flat. When the price was still quite low, people felt the shell sizes of 1200 to 1400 sq ft were quite small. With the rising price, they felt such sizes were acceptable (otherwise they would have to pay much more for their “ideal”sizes)


  Like a bright pearl set on the Taihu Lake and situated in the center of the beautiful and fertile Changjiang Delta in southern Jiangsu Province, Wuxi is one of China's major tourist cities, with its pleasant climate, rich natural resources and picturesque scenery. Cutting through the city is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, an ancient project equal in fame to the Great Wall. A trip along the river will enable the visitor to get to know the customs and life styles of the local people.

  Seven kilometers from downtown Wuxi is a popular scenic area known as Meiliang. There, the Taihu Lake is at its best: the vast expanse of blue waters is dotted by fishing boats against an enchanting background of mist-shrouded hills. Of the scenic spots in the area, the huge rock named Yuantouzhu resembles a turtle's head. The rock commands a distant view of the boundless Taihu Lake. It is lauded by Guo Moruo, a renowned Chinese poet, as the“best spot of the Taihu Lake”.
