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9 describe a wild animal


  10 a change in your hometown

  11 describe a situation when others congradulate to you

  Part3,讨论各种Competition,motivation,天赋和动力哪个在成功中更重要?动力重要还是机会重要?why some people are more motivated than others?


  12 a singer in your country/ a person you admire

  P3p3歌手都在哪儿开演唱会 不出名的歌手在哪儿唱歌给人听 人们听歌方式的改变的原因/新闻一系列问题,我们应不应该过多的关注新闻啊,应不应该什么都知道,国内外新闻差异。你经常看新闻吗?过去的新闻和现在有什么不同?你认为国际事件对你生活影响大吗?报纸的内容比广告更正式吗?

  13 an old friend/ a student who is good at study

  p3:男孩女孩谁学习更好?做一个好学生是否有用?/关于如何遇到新的朋友 ?朋友的特质 ?人们成为朋友的原因?

  14 a happy person /一个老人(who had a good life)/ a child you know

  Part3 part3 high standard can lead happy life ?how to be happy ?in the future life will happier ?what do you think of children playing electronic games?问了一下关于小孩爱好、运动的问题?what benefit can children get from doing sports?do you like big family or small family? what are the diffrence between grandparnts and parents on children rising? 老人的退休年龄是否应该延长?老人退休后对他们有何影响?老人退休后是否容易再就业?the situation of old people in your country? Why some people like living alone? advantages and disadvantages of living alone?

  15 describe a neighbour

  Part 3过去的邻居和现在的有什么不同?

  16 一个家庭的两个人


  17 a person you helped

  p3喜欢帮助别人吗? 帮助别人有什么好处?外国人来中国,应该帮助吗?应该从什么方面进行帮助?基金组织重要吗?是不是应该多多发展基金组织的规模?


  18 an advertisement you like


  19 A TV program you like/a musical program(音乐节目) /an educational tv program / (A TV program you don’t like /

  第三部分商家做广告有好处吗?人们会更容易受广告影响吗?小孩子容易受广告影响吗?看电视时间太长会怎么样? 国外的电视节目的引入对年轻人的影响?你认为中国最受欢迎的什么节目?你认为是年后会有变化吗?你认为明星是否挣钱过多?What are the qualities should a good actress should have?你觉得你们国家的教育类节目够不够?advantages of this kind of job? What kind of person like that kind of job, any disadvantage?

  20 way of communicating email phone or letter /a magazine (or newspaper)you like / a website you like

  P3 杂志的种类?男人和女人读杂志有什么区别?人们会去定期买杂志吗?为什么人们很关心名人的生活?广告重要吗?

  21 a (foreign ) movie you watched

  p3: foreign film impact on the culture in your country中外电影的区别?外国电影在中国流行么? 一个好演员要具备的素质? 成为一个电影明星的好处和坏处?喜欢在家看还是去电影院?大多数年轻人喜欢什么类型的电影? What do you think of the future development of movie industry?

  22 a book you want to read again / a type of book you prefer

  p3:will you recommend this book to your friends?why people read books?do you think the internet is a good way to get infomation? do you think books or newspaper/magazine will be replaced by e-book in the future?

  23 a kind of foreign music you like / a song you know in your childhood

  part3 how do you think of people who download the music from internet?音乐行业发展如何?年轻人和老年人的音乐品味一致吗?人的音乐品味会随年龄变化吗?对音乐产业影响的因素有什么?年轻人会想成为音乐家吗?

  24 something you learned in your childhood/ the thing you enjoyed learning

  P3: how does children learn?do you think childen learn faster than adults?do you think old people should be educated?do you think studying in a group is beneficial? do you think the school should add more group study?
