Part 2 +3
1 a wedding you attended/一次难忘的经历 /a happy event in your childhood
S3:现在的年轻人对于结婚是否有一样的想法偏向于什么时候结婚过去结婚的年龄和现在结婚的年龄是否有改变什么样的方式结婚 一系列由WEDDING延伸出来关于结婚和婚礼的问题,如何看待裸婚?
2 your favourite weather/ a bad weather experience
3 describe a job you would like to do (in the future /in your childhood)
part three: 主题是 safety of society,问了一些为什么重要,那些职业能维持社会安全,从事这些职业得人是否应该得到high salary?is it difficult to find a job? what ways do people to find job? what kind of people employers need, why? what skills do people need to find a job? which is better, go to society before university or go to university directly? do schools help students to find jobs? what do they do? do you think school do enough for students to find jobs, why? compared to the past, what's the differences of the condition of workplace currently? What can a good employer provide to his employees in addition to salary?
4 a polite situation /a positive change in your life
part3 change对人们有益吗?现在人怎样change,在他们的工作和生活中?新科技怎样change人们?
5 a historical event / SPORTS or COMPETITION that you took part in or watched、an outdoor activity
6 a happy family news/ a special family event
Part 3 is there any other similar family event recently? the importness of living in a big family? the benefit of living with old people.the importness of family?do you think family is important in your culture? do you have many friends? / the benefits of walking.
7 a sciense subject you like
8 describe how to spend one of your free day/a club you took part in (an outdoor activity )
part3你的国家人们喜欢还有不喜欢什么活动你认为户外运动如何你认为和以前相比我们现在的食物是否更健康你是否觉得以后的食品会更健康?/ 一般会做什么户外运动,老年人和年轻人运动的区别,会花多长时间,有什么好处,人们任何时候都愿意在户外运动吗?孩子是否有充足的free time ,是否认为把时间花在个人爱好和习惯上是浪费时间的事情?