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  onerous: 繁重的, troublesome and oppressive, burdensome, arduous, backbreaking

  1) troublesome and oppressive; burdensome

  Onerous ------ troublesome and oppressive, burdensome

  onerous ------ Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome it was an onerous situation

  onerous ------ troubling; burdensome

  onerous <> effortless, easy, unexacting

  onerous : difficulty

  1. The homework proved to be far less onerous than we had expected, and we finished it all in less than an hour.

  2. The assignment was so extensive and difficult to manage that it proved onerous to the team in charge of

  Synonyms: arduous, oppressive, troublesome

  onerous 繁重的

  popular 流行的

  beneficial 有益的

  calming 平静的

  showing great consideration 显示出极大的关心体贴

  requiring little effort 不费吹灰之力的
