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  1. Increasing smog in the urban area is largely due to under-occupied cars commuting from the suburbs.

  2. Famous persons deserve no more privacy than do other people for reasons probably better understood by children playing 'hide and seek.'

  3. Young people had better not confuse a university degree with a successful life, even though higher education can open doors to a wide range of economic options.

  4. First-degree murderers should receive death penalty because there are too many repeat offenders, because rehabilitation programs have proved ineffective, and because murder is too heinous to be punished by anything less than death.

  5. Although some people think cigarettes are stylish, smoking is actually a disgusting habit with many health risks.

  6. Before you make the decision to light a cigarette, consider the problems caused by smoking.

  7. We should become more aware of our environment so that we can preserve our wilderness, protect wildlife, and conserve our rapidly disappearing natural resources.

  8. Contrary to the common belief that good communication skill is crucial to becoming a leader or politician, actually leadership is practiced not so much in words as in actions that inspire confidence.

  9. Gaining social skills matters as much as having good qualifications when it comes to seeking employment.

  10. There is no worse place to watch a big game than at the stadium, especially when you are not going with a number of friends.

  11. The effort to introduce female students into male secondary schools, or vice versa, ought to be regarded as undesirable because the the mixed-sex educational system has not been working well.

  12. The food travel debate is inevitably intertwined between economic interests and environmental concerns.

  13. Financially speaking, people are supposed to be happier when their incomes exceed expenses; however, the opposite is happening to many people in developed countries.

  14. It is generally agreed that men and women are created equal but they have different missions in life due mainly to different biological inclinations.

  15. Violent films and computer games should be put out of business, if possible, because they can emotionally affect viewers, particularly children.

  16. A job worth doing is usually worth doing together.

  17. If you think that people can be satisfied with what they have, think again.

  18. Working people are largely happy because having a job means more than just being able to make ends meet.

  19. It is lucky to have a good neighbor as much as unfortunate to have a bad one.

  20. Scientist are not the only few hundred attracted to the Antarctic as every year tens of thousands of people are also going there on a sight-seeing tour of the ice, the water, the wildlife, the solitude, and the homeland of penguins.

  21. Poverty matters so much for children that the consequences of being short of money tend to linger in their adult life when coping with a series of ordeals.

  22. This age is one in which the popularity of the internet is ruining everything in the information industries, particularly newspapers.

  23. In many countries, practical solutions to protect the wildlife do exist, but a recovery plan cannot be useful without jointly enforcing legislation world-wide.

  24. No employee could possibly feel happy about a chance of losing the current job because, next only to pay, job security is certainly the No. 1 factor leading to job satisfaction in the modern workplace.

  25. For the country to develop and progress, it is essential not to set limits to imagination on which science, philosophy and arts are built.

  26. The majority of people learning a foreign language do not go beyond borders, even though they know very well that they can learn a new language better and quicker where that language is spoken.

  27. Although giving rise to conflicting points of views about shame, sex education should not be suspended in schools.

  28. One of the practical ways for rich countries to help the poorest of the poor is to promote pro-poverty tourism without destroying essential traditions and ways of life of tourist countries.

  29. External appearances are often not what they seem like.

  30. The logic of teaching discipline to children is punishment and reward.

  31. We live in a changed world from that of a century ago when automobiles had just been invented and airplanes were unknown.

  32. Traveling alone to a new place is certainly an experience I do not want to repeat.

  33. Living in a university dormitory is not an option because music like rock and roll requires a lot of freedom.

  34. Cooking at home or eating out is no more than a matter of taste.

  35. I prefer working for a small company because, although a large company may be too big to fail, it is also too big to be saved.

  36. Despite all the conveniences of modern life, a big city is no place to raise children because they would miss so much fun by learning from nature in the countryside.

  37. The need for birth-control is necessary because, unless the global population is under control, there will be serious problems affecting families and governments alike.

  38. Far from what many people fear, modern technology is mixing and changing traditional cultures instead of wiping them out.

  39. To enjoy the glow of good health and keep doctors away, people must exercise one way or another, and for me walking fast is the best possible exercise.

  40. If human beings want to benefit from Nature, environmental conservation is everybody's business.

  41. Recycling programs, though expensive at first, are ultimately an efficient, cost effective, and environmentally sound means of reducing waste in our environment.

  42. Even though computers along with the internet have their idiosyncrasies, they have improved our lives tremendously by simplifying word processing, streamlining data storage, and promoting an international exchange of information.

  43. Colors do more than indicate personal preference: they reveal emotions, indicate purpose, act symbolically, and influence subconscious thoughts.

  44. People who repress their true feelings leave themselves open to physical, psychological, and relationship difficulties.

  45. Medicinal marijuana use should not be legalized because it creates problems for peace officers, physicians, and parents.

  46. One of the strongest arguments in favor of a relaxed approach to immigration is that the host country benefits economically from immigrant labor.

  47. Chocolate does more than taste good; it has psychological effects.

  48. To let capital flow in, the door must be open to foreign investments.

  49. A little exercise may be good, but too much exercise can be harmful.

  50. The Bull Market is dead.

  51. The public can still benefit from visiting libraries, even thogh these days access to the internet can provide all kinds of information.

  52. The life of the typical college student is characterized by time spent in studying, attending class, and socializing with peers.

  53. High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college in order to increase their maturity and global awareness.

  54. Hunger persists in some parts of the world because jobs are scarce and farming in the infertile soil is rarely profitable.

  55. Because the internet is filled with many advertising and marketing opportunities, people should utilize it to expand their home-based business and build their customer base.

  56. Financial crisis and unemployment situations have put much of the Euro zone economy into a status of stalemate.

  57. Humans do not have the right to take away the life of other humans, hence capital punishment is not the correct way of punishing a criminal.

  58. Making uniforms mandatory in public schools will ensure that financial differences among students will not be known.

  59. An healthy breakfast is said to be an important meal of the day because it gives the person all the essential nutrients that the body requires and also helps in facing the challenges of the day.

  60. As children love to indulge in fast foods and spend their time in front of the television or by playing video games, childhood obesity has become a common health problem.

  61. Introducing sex education in middle school is very important as many cases of teenage pregnancy have been reported in recent years.

  62. Though people argue that examinations cause too much stress and tension in students, they are important in evaluating the student's knowledge.

  63. Electric cars provide a viable alternative to gasoline-fueled cars because the benefits outweigh the costs.

  64. There should be an absolute ban against smoking in public because second-hand smoke endangers the health of non-smokers.

  65. Solving our environmental problems is more difficult than many green workers believe.

  66. Financial institutions are deliberately asking for government help in the form of bailout funding and tax holidays.

  67. Everyone should have a room in which he or she can be alone.

  68. Although it is as difficult to explain failures as argue with success, people with a desire strong enough may pass failures on their way to success.

  69. Warning to students: over-using technology to learn information can be dangerous to both body and mind.

  70. It is generally agreed that education is a matter of learning process from cradle to grave, the tombstones being their diplomas.

  71. Nowadays parents are no longer commanders in the family, but children are; and this can be seen in the way parents obey their children.

  72. Mistrust is said to be poison to friendhip, and it does not matter whether a friend is intelligent or has a sense of humor.

  73. Saving money at present without investing in oneself for the future may be a bad advice, particularly for young people who find it barely possible to make ends meet.

  74. Being a popular expression of social and economic realities, fashion represents in part the world in progress and influences people more on the positive side than otherwise.

  75. Teachers are supposed to teach academic subjects, but it is also necessary for schools to establish a moral foundation that can have a lasting impact on children for the rest of their lives.

  76. Nothing that is boring or expensive or both can be very popular, which is certainly not the case with movies.

  77. Nowadays the formula for success is rise early, work late and strike it rich.

  78. The voluntary flow of public resources from rich countries to poor countries appears to be both humanitarian and noble.

  79. No other human characteristic is more outstanding than a strong desire for success-- the will to plan carefully and work patiently.

  80. As a wise saying goes, "work spares people from need, vice, boredom."

  81. Bad parenting often brings about bad results, and although many problems of juvenile deliquency are likely to end nowhere, they always start at home.

  82. Friends who are of a kind usually flock together like birds of the same feather.

  83. Some people believe they are as happy as they make their minds to be, meaning happiness depends not so much on what they have or what they are as on what they think.

  84. Many people like to see movies for a simple reason: to escape for a while from life's reality into a make-believe fiction.

  85. The importance of music to many people largely lies in its magical expession of beauty and truth in sound what words may fail.

  86. The idea of the 24-hour-open stores is to meet the changing demands of increasingly convenience-oriented society and create jobs for shop workers, but such C-stores are particularly vulnerable to crimes during the wee hours.

  86. Of all the modern inventions that mark development in any sense, computers alone can prove that progress is not always good.

  87. It has often been said that profit and morality are a hard combination to beat, but this can be changed now.

  88. These days it is easy to find faults with advertising, but none can deny entirely that this art of persuasion is good for economy.

  89. The sense of doom in us today is a fear of war rather than a fear of science.

  90. Parenting is about love, and being a full-time mother is one of the highest paid jobs since payment is pure love.

  91. What you can discover about the roots of your family is not likely to make headlines, but it may be crucial in building a family tree that will turn out to be both interesting and surprising.

  92. Admitting that heredity may be behind one's personal characteristics in some respects, environment is by far a more decisive factor on one's overall character.

  93. Because of his determination, his courage to follow his beliefs, and his unwaving sense of change, Dr. Sun Yat-sen is a symbol of Chinese revolution

  94. Being a successful teacher requires a lot of knowledge and tolerance.

  95. Because too many children are stumbling upon sex sites on the web, all pornographic materials should be banned from the internet.

  96. When it comes to animals, dogs make better pets than cats.

  97. Most people would define optimism as eternally hopeful and endlessly happy, but that is exactly the kind of deluded cheerfulness that positive psychologists would not recommend.

  98. The world around us has become more global and so have our families, with children travelling and studying abroad and settling in other countries.

  99. The public can still benefit a lot from visiting town libraries, even though these days access to information can easily be made by using the internet at home.

  100. Every generation should be free to break with traditional patterns and standards that have been handed down from the past.
