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Finlay MacKay is a photographer from Glasgow. Hes been involved in a photo exhibition project with the National Portrait Gallery over the past eight months, taking pictures of the athletes of Team GB

Finlay MacKay is a photographer from Glasgow. He's been involved in a photo exhibition project with the National Portrait Gallery over the past eight months, taking pictures of the athletes of Team GB.

MacKay says he is most impressed by 2008 Paralympics gold medalist David Weir and his trainer Jenny Archer.

"They were the first people we shot when it was too dark. And it was originally just a big shot of her head on the side. And they David was going by downhill. And it was really dark. Just didn't really work. And when we came back, I just noticed quite a change in her appearance. Her mum just died about six weeks before. So you can just really see it. When she was just telling me right at the moment when we took those pictures her mum just died, she was kind of crying. It was quite emotional."

After watching the British athletes for the last 8-months, MacKay says he feels some of the athletes are well prepared.

"I think David Weir is ready because he's a winner. Pretty sure Aaron (Cook) is going to do really well 'cauz he was world champion and I think he still is. Louis (Smith) needs to keep training. If you're going to get perfect form in gymnastics, that toe should point there."

Sebastian Coe, Chairman of the London Organizing Committee, says their final year before the games is all about preparation.

"The next 12 months is all about testing, testing, testing, making sure everything is tested for the athletes, for all our client groups."

A series of test events have been held over the past few months, including the modern pentathlon, volleyball, the marathon and race walking.

Another 35 test events are still scheduled to take place until this coming spring.

And while the preparation for the events seems to be coming along, one of the nagging concerns is security.

London's two top police officers have resigned recently amid the phone hacking scandal connected to media-barron Rupert Murdoch's organization.

And Murdoch himself was attacked by a prankster during his testimony to a parliamentary committee, raising questions about security in London.

Despite this, Coe says he still has confidence in their security preparations.

"One year to go, the strategy and the resources are in place. So what's important to us is the operational delivery from the security point of view. The team running that is still in place. The head guy is still in place. So everybody is focused on ensuring that police resources we need for 2012 are available."

The one-year countdown celebration is going to be held in Trafalgar Square in downtown London.

For CRI, I'm Tu Yun in London.


1. athlete n. 运动员, 体育家

例句:He is over the hill as a professional athlete.

作为一名职业运动员, 他的巅峰时期已过。

2. impress vt. 给…以深刻印象, 使铭记

例句:I was very impressed by her performance.


3. medalist n. 得到奖牌的人

例句:The gold medalist has been widely exposed to the public on television.


4. shoot v. 拍摄

例句:The film was shooting.


5. emotional adj. 表现强烈情感的, 令人动情的

例句:This is an emotional scene in the play.


6. train v. 训练, 锻炼; 培养

例句:You'll have to train hard before the next match.


7. schedule vt. 安排,预定

例句:The delegation is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.


8. nagging adj. 使人不得安宁的

例句:I had a nagging worry that we weren’t going to get there.

我有个挥之不去的忧虑,就是担心我们到不了那里 。
