PART1Full name上一次看的舞蹈表演是什么时候有没有学过跳舞你喜欢什么number你喜欢哪种鸟What kind of flower do you like? What are the different meanings of flowers?Science 都包括哪些?学习science 对你有什
Full name
What kind of flower do you like? What are the different meanings of flowers?
Science 都包括哪些?学习science 对你有什么帮助?
How to organize your time
Where are you from
What kind of accommodation do you live in?
Did you go the museum when you were young?
Where do you meet your friend?
Where do you speak to foreigner?
What do you usually do on weekends?
Do you have a watch? What do you think of being on time?
Do you like shopping?
Where do you usually travel to? Do you enjoy long distance travel?
What do you like to collect in your free time?
Will you collect things that will have the potentials to be valued in the future?
Are you working or studying? Major?
What is your reading habit? Do you enjoy reading when you were very young?
What kinds of natural sound do you like the best?
Do you have your cell phone? Do you think cell phone is important?
Do you like cooking? Do you think cook is necessary for people?
What kind of newspaper or magazine do you like to read in your free time?
How do you learn English?
Do you like seeing films?
What was the first thing you did when you entered your school?
Which color do you like?
PART 2&3
Topic1. a character in a childhood story
Topic2. a person u want to meet in news
Topic3. a musical event you went to or watched on TV
Topic4. 杂志和报纸
Topic5. Describe an interesting or a unusual thing during free time
Part3:现在人的free time是不是比以前少了现在很多人都加班,你认为对吗 额外的
Topic6. describe a person who has healthy lifestyle
Topic7. 描述一条街道
Topic8. Given a time off work or study, what do you want to do
Topic9. 你的生活方式的变化
Topic10. 描述一次电话对话
Topic11. foreign film
Topic12. Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in
PART3:rural area通常住些什么人呢?rural area会变得怎么样in the future?
l 城市未来会变得咋样?城市会变得更大还是更小呢?
l 你觉得城市和乡村最大的区别是什么?你觉得乡村比城市差在哪里呢?
Topic13. A happy event in your childhood or school days
Topic14. Hotel
Topic15. Describe a photo
PART3:Do u like taking a photo? Some ppl don’t like take a photo, why?
l Is taking photograph easier than before?
l When do people have photograph?
l In what way people have photos
Topic16. advertisement
l 广告在哪里出现;你对车子上听到的广告有什么感觉;
l 电视上的广告你相信并购买吗?哪些产品分别适用于哪种媒介,Why;
l 针对小孩看的广告好吗?Do you think it good to make advertisement aim at children;How to control this;(advertisement对于小孩有误导性吗?为什么?对于男人女人有误导性吗);
l 男人女人在购物上的习惯有什么不同;花很多钱去购买收藏品是不是明智的决定呢;对于广告的播放是不是应该进行一些约束?
Topic17. Gift you bought for your friend 63
PART3:Why do people send gift? How do you choose the correct gift?
l What kind of gifts do you send? Expensive or cheap? How can you know that the gift you sent is correct?
l Is that it to send gift? Why do Chinese send money as gift, just practical reasons or traditions? When is the occasion to send gift?
l Where do people buy things? How is the quality of gift from internet? What do you think about charity?
Topic18. Describe the changes in your hometown 168
PART3:What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village?
l Should people have the right to ask to change things they find uncomfortable in cities?
l What is different in cities of Australia and your country?
l What are the urgent needs of people in cities? Why they have this changed?
l If government plan to change, should they ask locals ‘opinion?
Topic19. 老人 18
PART3:Do Chinese people like being with old people?
l 老人在家里扮演什么角色?中国文化对老人的过去和现在有什么变化;
l 你们以什么态度来对待老人;和过去有没有改变老人需要工作吗?你认为给老人限制一个退休年龄的做法是正确的吗;
l Old culture’s influence on our generation;Does your generation respect old people today;Compared with the past;Does it change;
l What can the government do to improve living conditions of old people?
Topic20. Describe a vehicle you want to have 60
l 如何改善一个城市的交通状况?你觉得地铁如何?
l Compare and contrast the different types of transport that exist today;Do you think it's a good thing to drive a car;What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of transport that people use;What are the advantages of society to have more people using mass transportation;
l What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in center of a city and living in the suburbs of a city;
l Do you think everybody in society should pay for new roads and road maintenance or only those people who drive on the roads;
l Do people in China consider cars to be status symbols;What's your impression of advertisements for cars;
l What about 限号 in Beijing?
Topic21. Describe a child you know 4
l 如何培养孩子独立
Topic22. Something you did to protect the environment 172
l 环境破坏对人类和野生动物有哪些危害,野生动物是怎么被威胁到生存的
l 环境污染好治理吗?你觉得人类最终什么时候能治理好现在造成的破坏?
Topic23. Describe a clothes you wear in a special occasion 142
Topic24. Describe a teacher you want to meet again 185
PART3:Is education important? (Why?)
l What is the purpose of education?
l How do people in China consider teaching, as a profession? What is the function of a teacher? Is teaching a good profession in China? How do students in China view teachers?
l How do students in China relate to teachers?
Topic25. 曾经受到过的帮助 91
l 老人需要什么样的帮助,社会对待老人有没有什么变化?
l 什么人喜欢帮助别人,为什么?
l 政府应该怎么做来帮助需要帮助的人? Should public help the poor group? What are the government’s responsibility on public help & individual responsibility?
Topic26. an exciting (outdoor)sport 20
l 你怎么看到危险游戏?为什么人们喜欢危险的运动;政府是不是因该限制一下这些活动?这和他们的性格有关系么;
l 看电视里的体育运动能exciting吗;长时间看电视节目是不是不利于健康?
l Should students do sports in school? How can sports be benefit for heath? How can sports help education?
l Some one is good at sports but bad educated, someone is well educated but cannot do sports well. Explain why and state your opinion?
Topic27. Describe a restaurant you like to go 113
l 一个国家的独特食品何以在世界流行?
l 过多的生产organic食物是否会是好现象?
l 你认为Chinese people love to eating outside or not? Why?
l 你认为餐厅用了哪些方式来吸引他们的顾客。
Topic28. Describe a foreign food 186
PART3:how does government help people to know food for health?
l How about fast food in U.S.A. and why children like to eat them?Is it bad or good...and why...and how to solve
l 现在人们是不是越来越少在家做饭了?
l 现代的kitchen设备和科技带来了什么改变?
l 现在的world food supply有什么改变?
l 你认为世界上最大的食物出口国是哪个?中国是吗?
l 人口的增长和对食物需求的增长对环境有什么影响?
Topic29. 一个令你钦佩的朋友
PART3:Where can you meet new friends or people? Do you think it is easy in China to make friends? Do you think people like make friends with older people or young people? Is it important to make friends who have same interest with you?
Topic30. Describe a place with a lot of noise
Topic31. Describe a peaceful place
Topic32. Describe a Chinese traditional festival
Topic33. 一个你想参加的quiz show 174
PART3:What kind people will attend it? Do the most people want to attend it?
l Why some people dislike quiz show while others like? What kind of people may attend the show? Do you think people all want to attend the show? Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television?
l Do you think there'll be more quiz show on TV? 你们国家的人最喜欢的quiz show是?小孩喜欢什么样的?老人喜欢什么样的?Do you think young and old people like different things? Do you think the competitive quiz show is good?
l 你觉得未来quiz show的发展如何?人们看quiz show的时候如果回答不出来问题,会不会觉得自己特别的傻。。。
l quiz show比其他节目更有经济效益么?Do you think quiz show is educational?
l Are there many competitions in everyday life? Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree? Do you think that people are born to be competitive? How to be a competitive person? Do you think it is important for a company to be competitive? Do you think there should be legislation for the company competition?
Topic34. advice
l 你经常像父母寻求帮助还是朋友?中国有很多人愿意给一些组织捐钱么?
l 四川大地震发生了,中国人民很踊跃的捐钱呀?政府应该如何鼓励人们为穷人捐钱?
Topic35. Describe a valuable(expensive) thing of your family180
PART3:What are the factors that influence people’s buying process?
l 你喜欢买贵的东西吗?
l 喜欢花钱吗?去哪里花钱?钱一般都花在什么地方?
l 和以前项目比,现在人们花钱更偏向于哪些方面?
Topic36. Describe a new law 137
PART3:为什么有的人喜欢当警察(她说的是police officer)?
l 你觉得中国大多数人会遵守法律么?(Do you think most people in China abide by the law?)很多人觉得偶尔违反一下法律,一些小错误是ok的,你觉得呢? How successful do you think the laws are in your country? Do you think it's important for people to obey laws?
l 你觉得为什么有的人喜欢当律师而不是警察?
l 你觉得international law有什么作用?
l 你觉得在未来世界各国会不会使用相同的法律,为什么?不同国家的法律有何不同?
l 你觉得警察应该带枪么?
Topic37. a book you like
l 年轻人和老年人阅读的不同?小孩读的书和大人读的书有什么区别?现在人跟以前比阅读多还是少?
l 政府建立图书馆好不好
l 你喜欢在家看电视听CD还是去music concert
Topic38. an interesting thing that you want to learn(最近发现听爱考教育类口语的)
l 政府应不应该支持老年人教育
l 你觉得孩子们是不是在从高中毕业后对学习已经很厌倦了
l 你觉得大学的课程在中国很简单吗
Topic39. 保持健康的方式
l 人们通过什么途径学习到有关健康的知识?
l 学校怎么教育学生保持健康?有没有教育学生健康饮食?
l 政府如何提高国民的身体健康?
l 现在有很多小孩子得了肥胖症,什么原因造成的?
l lifestyle过去和现在有没有change?人们的diet有没有change?pace of life是不是变快了?stress是不是更大了?现在的lifestyle和diet应该怎么改变比较好?
l 是什么导致一个人有自我控制能力和没有自我控制能力的?
Topic40. describe someone who you like to travel with
l 去国外旅游有什么影响
l 一个companion要具备什么素质
Topic41. Describe a family member
Topic42. 一个家用电器(不能是电视或电脑)
PART3:What kind of electronic machine do people have in their home?
l How has electronic machines changed people's life?
l Compare the ancient machine and modern machine;
l What machines will be like in the future?
l Do old people like to use them as young people do?
l Do you think people are forced to accept electronic machine or have a chance to refuse it?
Topic43. 存钱买的东西 85
l Do you think is it important for children to know the value of money?
l Are there a lot of ads about toy? 广告对于孩子买东西有什么影响?Do you think it will confuse children the value of money?
l Do you like online shopping, why people like shopping?
Topic44. Describe a piece of music
PART3:What are the different meanings of different music?
l What is the difference between music which old people prefer and young children prefer? Why they like it?
l What is the difference between Chinese and western music?
l Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style?
l Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?
l 你喜欢那种类型的音乐?为什么;
l 小孩喜欢听什么,老人喜欢听什么,对年轻人和老人听的音乐比较;
l 音乐公司是为了赚钱么;有没有真正为了梦想去的;
l 为什么好多人想成为歌手;