通过总结对比口语和写作机经库,不难发现这两大科目之间的话题高度相关性,两者都无外乎社会热点讨论,体现了雅思考试人性化特点。下面,以写作常考分类话题为参照,结合口语热点话题作比较,找出共性特征,以供大家备考时一石二鸟,一举两得。 一、 教育、培训、工作类 教育话题无疑是雅思写作的重中之重,有数据称教育话题在平均每个月都会考一次。所涵盖内容包括教育方法和内容,儿童、中学、大学各阶段教育。类似题目在口语中也有体现,我们通过两组例子具体说明。 GROUP ONE: 【真题实例】: è 写作: As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? è 口语: Describe your ideal job What the job is What the job is about Why you chose this job How it has benefited or will benefit you. 【指点迷津】: 该组题目乍一看不是特别一样,但稍加思考便会发现其雷同之处。写作话题要求说明影响工作满意度的要素,通过构思可以想到的素材有工作环境,待遇,前途等方面。而口语要求描述理想中的工作,完全可以从以上同样几个方面入手,解释理想工作之所以理想的种种原因,相似指数 ★★★★。 GROUP TWO: 【真题实例】: è 写作: Some people argue that learning a second language involves learning the culture of the country where this language is spoken (including lifestyles). What is your opinion? è 口语: What do you think is the most difficult when learning a second language? (Part 3 question) 【指点迷津】: 该组题目涉及到语言学习的问题,需稍许留意才能发现二者关联,属于话题部分重合。写作的话题有这样的一个分论点:承认学习文化的弊端,难,增加了学习负担。这刚好可以拿来作为口语话题现成的素材,即,文化学习是语言学习最难的部分。相似指数★★★。 二、 科技发展类 这是除了教育话题以外的另一个高频写作话题,且牵扯内容也较为丰富,如:高科技产品, 科学发展与传统文化,科技对生活的影响等等。依然是通过两组实例详细说明。 GROUP ONE: 【真题实例】: è 写作: People today can perform the everyday tasks such as shopping, banking or even business transactions, without meeting others face-to-face. What effects will this phenomenon have on individuals and society as a whole? è 口语: How has technology changed people’s life? (Part 3 question) 【指点迷津】: 不难看出,写作与口语题其实都是要求去说明科技对个人/社会的影响。话题完全一致,相似指数★★★★。 GROUP TWO: 【真题实例】: è 写作: Many people think that public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their money on expensive hi-tech media, such as software, DVDs, or videos. Do you agree or disagree? è 口语: Describe a public library You should say: Where the library is located What you use it for How often you visit this place And explain what special features it has 【指点迷津】: 写作题需要探讨高科技媒体如software, DVDs, video的优缺点,这部分内容可以用于口语讲述图书馆的特别之处。相似指数★★★。 三、 环境、污染类 环境问题在09年多次考到,俨然成为新一代热点话题,下面以一组相似度极高的话题为例。 【真题实例】: è 写作:Many people believe that the human society has developed into a throw-away society, which is filled with plastic bags and rubbish. What are the causes and solutions? è 口语:Describe an environmental problem in your country. You should say: what this problem is what the causes of the problem are how this problem affects people and explain how this problem could be solved. 【指点迷津】: 稍作对比就会发现这两个话题几乎是一模一样的,口语要求讲一个环境问题就可以选择垃圾污染问题来讲。相似度★★★★★。