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雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

英国文化协会昨天指出,根据最新出炉的IELTS雅思国际英语测验全球排名,台湾英语能力在亚洲14个国家和地区中排名第13,仅略微领先中国大陆。剑桥大学英语考试院(Cambridge ESOL) 9月公布2008年IELTS雅思国际 ...


剑桥大学英语考试院(Cambridge ESOL) 9月公布2008年IELTS雅思国际英语测验全球排名,台湾考生的平均总分小幅进步,从去年5.59分提升为今年5.66分(满分为9分)。


Test performance 2008

The world speaks IELTS

IELTS is the world’s proven English test. Over 1.2 million candidates take the test each year to start their journeys into international education and employment.

IELTS is recognised by more than 6000 institutions across 120 countries.

You can rely on IELTS - the test that sets the standard.

Band score information

IELTS is assessed on a 9-band scale and reports scores both overall and by individual skill. Overall band scores for Academic and General Training candidates in 2008 are shown here together with scores for individual skills according to a variety of classifications. These figures are broadly in line with statistics for previous years.

N.B. for place of origin and first language, the tables show the top 40 places and languages, listed alphabetically, not in order of the size of the candidature.

Academic and General Training candidates

The following table shows the split between the Academic and General Training candidature in 2008.

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

Place of Origin

These figures show the mean overall and individual band scores achieved by 2008 Academic and General training candidates according to their place of origin.

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

Mean band score by most frequent countries or regions of origin (General Training)

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

First language

These figures show the mean overall and individual band scores achieved by 2008 Academic and General training candidates from the top 40 first language backgrounds

Mean band scores for most common first languages (academic)

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

Mean band scores for most common first languages (General Training)

雅思全球排名:中国大陆垫底 台湾倒数第二

Mean band score for the most frequent countries or regions of origin (Academic)
