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 以下还是我的美国朋友写的一篇例文,这片文章是关于环境保护的,写的还不错,很具借鉴价值的!  申明一点,老外写文章也不是每篇都写的好的(就像中国人写中文文章也不是都写的好的),也会受题目内容的影响,所以有 ...




The issue of environmental protection is becoming too big and far-reaching for individuals and any single nation to handle. Therefore, the issue can only be addressed from an international or global perspective. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

The issue of environmental protection is becoming too large and far-reaching for individuals or any single nation to handle. Some believe therefore that the issue can only be addressed from an international or global perspective.(还是他犯的老错误,brief introduction部分绝对不能照抄原题!否则要扣分,大家这点千万要搞清楚,不能被误导了) As is the case with any issue having global impact however, and the elimination of the individual, the solution is highly debatable.

 The actions of a single individual can do nothing to curb the swelling avalanche of environmental pollution overtaking our world.(红色部分为主题句,下同) A single nation as well, depending on its individual contribution to global pollution can not make much of a difference acting alone against such a large problem. If the people of one nation were to entirely stop all forms of pollution this very day, it would still make only an infinitesimal difference in the scheme of things. A world lead by an organization encouraging reform however could spur real change but this organization cannot bring itself into being.

 Change always starts small. A single individual while powerless alone has the ability to influence others and a group of people large enough and with a singular voice has the power to influence a nation. Likewise, influential nations acting in concert have the power to effect global change. The key to bringing about this chain reaction is engendering a consciousness and sense of responsibility toward the environment in a sufficient number of individuals; individuals who are not interested in stopping global pollution itself, but ensuring a healthy environment for themselves and their own progeny. People are the driving force of change.

Individuals must learn to appreciate the problem of global pollution on a personal level before they can take true responsibility for it. Assigning this responsibility to a global organization, while lending organization and clear direction to the solution, only further removes people from the problem.

