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1.consignor 发货人,寄售人

2.certificate of origin 产地证明书

3.inspection certificate 检验证书

4.place of origin 产地

5.port of dispatch 发货口岸

6.type of goods 货物类型

7.partial shipment 分批装运

8.accepting bank 承兑银行

9.accepting house 承兑行

10.ad valorem duty 从价税

11.ad valorem freight 从价运费

12.actual tare 实际皮重

13.additional order 追加订单

14.air freight 空运费

15.amendment of contract 修改合同

16.applicant for the credit 申请开证人

17.at sight 见票即付

18.average clause 海损条款
