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Unit9 AtWork

    Dialogues /monologues:
    1. TUC :( Trades union Congress)——英国劳工联合会。
    2. This should remind Britain 's employers just how much theydepend on the good-will and voluntary extra work of their staff, the TUCsays.
    just : 起强调语气的作用 ——(是否)可以翻译成“正是”,
    全句是:这会提醒英国的雇主们自己是怎样依赖于怀着善意且自愿加班工作的员工。 英国劳工联合会说到。
    3. Andif it makes people and employers think a bit harder about organizing a betterwork-life balance, so much the better.
    organizing :在这里我将它翻译成营造。
    4. It isoften said that more business is done during social events than at theoffice.
    is done 这里是被动语态。生意当然是被做的咯。
    5. One person out of eightin labor force is said to be employed by a government unit on the state or locallevel. is that the case?
    全句是:据说,八分之一的劳动力被政府部们或地方国有企业录用。 是那么回事吗?

    The Unite States supplies a larger share of the international trade thanany other nation in the world. The transactions of trade between countries areoften kept in American dollars, and payments are frequently made in Americancurrency as well. Many American banks have established branches in importantcommercial centers overseas to handle the business that results from worldtrade. Similarly, many foreign banks also have branches in the United States.
    The United States has many trading partners; one that has becomeincreasingly important in recent years is China . The city of Shanghai ineastern China is one of the world's great seaports and has also become active inboth manufacturing and finance in the world. Many American banks have set upoffices there. John William is the manager of one of these branch banks inShanghai .
    John majored in accounting and businessadministration in Harvard. After graduation he got a job with a large New Yorkbank. After two years in accounting, he was transferred to the loan involvedinternational transactions. Some of them were so complicated that John felt hedidn't have a broad enough background to understand them. To get moreexperience, he asked for a transfer to the bank's international department. Hebecame so expert in international finance that he made it his career.
    When the bank decided to open a branch in Shanghai , Johnwas selected to set it up and run it for the first few years. He has been inShanghai for more than three years now. He has a comfortable apartment in ahigh-rise building in the business center of the city. The bank provides himwith a car and driver as well as the apartment.
    Mandarin is the most commonlanguage of Shanghai , but John has learned only a few courtesy expressions. Hehas little need to speak Chinese, however, because all of the employees of thebank are fluent in English. His chief assistant, Miss Wang, went to graduateschool in the States, so her English is excellent.
    John has enjoyed being in Shanghai , but he may not bethere much longer. Now that the bank is operating efficiently, he might betransferred back to New York in a few months. But he hopes to be back to chinasoon after for he loves it living there.

