江西地方特产(中英对照)狗牯脑茶:goougunao tea
庐山云雾茶:lushan cloud and mist tea
婺绿:wuyuan green tea
四特酒:si te liquor
临川贡:linchuan tribute liquor
苦瓜酒:balsam pear liquor
吉安冬酒:ji an winter
金圣香烟:jisheng cigarette
兴国四星望月:xinguo’s4 stars centered on the moon
藜篙炒腊肉:stir-fired hellebore and cured meat
婺源包红鲤鱼:wuyuan lotus red carp
井冈山干笋:dried jinggangshan bamboo shoot
石笋:stone edible fungus
江西地方文化采茶戏:tea-picking opero
傩舞:nuo dance
老区歌谣:popular songs in the old revolutionary areas
兴国山歌:xingguo folk song
民间灯彩:folk coloured lantern
民间灯谜:folk lantern灯会;lantern festival
客家围屋:hakka’s castle
茶道:the way of tea-making
老表:dear cousin
谷:valley 和 gorge,我们习惯把谷称为valley,把峡叫gorge.例如,锦秀谷:the brocade embroidery valley,涧:ravine 和gully,三峡:the three groges
“大山”一般应译为mountain,小山则译为hill.例如:庐山:the lushan mountain 或mout.lushan,井冈山:the jinggang mountain,西山:the west hill,石钟山:the stone bell hill
“峰”译为peak,例如:五老峰:the five old man peaks女神峰:the fairy maiden peak
“岩”译为rock,崖译为cliff,cliff faces 或 sheer faces。例如:仙水岩:the fairy water rocks,通天岩:the tongtian cliff grottos