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prefer travel by car or by public transprtation such as bus

  Q1: 你会不会去一个foreign country 上univ or college,为什么?
  Of course I will. I wanna do this for the following reasons. first, I have a chance to expose myself to another culture which probably is very different from my own. for example, I can get to know something about the Amercan Culture if i go to an American college or University. second , because I like to make friends with people coming from different parts of the world. like, I really enjoy chatting with people coming from America, Australia, Britain etc. that provides me with an opportunity to enrich my knowledege. I like that very much.

  Q2: 当你去一个陌生的城市旅游时,你prefer travel by car or by public transprtation such as bus, 为什么?
  Personally speaking, I prefer to travel by means of public transportation such as bus. I wanna do this for the folowing reasons. first because transportation like bus usually go kindda slowly. this gives a chance to have a loook at their buildings and even people walking on streets. I really think it as an important part of my traveling.but if i travel by car, it goes fast. i do think i will miss a lot. second, i enjoy chatting with local people which is also very crucial in my travel phylosophy. so if i am on a bus, i may ask someone beside me some questions about the city they are living in or ask them how I can go to somewhere, or even ask them how to make the best out of my city tour. I think it is very interesting, whereas if i travel by car, it seems that there is no way for me to do this.

  Q3: 学校有个通知,说期末考试期间会延长图书馆的cafe的营业时间。
  首先期末期间他会很忙,没时间cook, 复习会很累,所以饿了他可以在cafe里吃,

  Q4:reading我只记得题目的两个单词:award theory
  Lecture就是举了教授的自己的亲生经历,他搬到一个新地方后,如何和邻居相处。第一个人和他兴趣相投,喜欢一样的电影 书 baseball,然后两人成为了好朋友,到现在还一起打baseball。第二个人是在party上认识的,没什么共同语言,虽然很客气,但并没有什么来往。

  Q5:男的遇到了问题:他们有个study group,轮着到7个成员家里dinner,dinner完了以后讨论学习,今天轮到他了,但这个挫男今天下午在lib学习忘了这事了,他和女生碰面时已经很晚了,来不及回家cook了。

  Q6: 讲mimicry(拟态伪装),说有的动物怎么逃避天敌,有两点:
  第一个好像是伪装成predator 怕的东西,来吓跑predator,这个举的fly的例子

