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托福考试资料拓展:a nest egg


    经济危机愈演愈烈,很多公司纷纷裁员,这个时候你该怎么办呢?首先一定要做好心理准备,多学知识多长本事,其次要建立良好的人际关系网,最后一点就是一定要准备好一些钱,免得万一被裁员而束手无策。这些就叫做“未雨绸缪”。这个成语在英语中可以用a nest egg来表示。 


LL: Saving is important, Li Hua. I am trying to build a nest egg so that I can buy a house some day.

LH: 你要建一个窝里的蛋?(开玩笑地说)那你什么时候变成小鸟啊?

LL: (Laughs) No, no, Li Hua. A "Nest Egg" is a term for money put away in reserve for some special purpose - like getting married, buying a house, or retiring.

LH: 窝里的蛋怎么会指为结婚买房子存的钱呢?

LL: Well, as I understand it, a "nest egg" was originally a fake egg placed in a nest to attract birds to lay more eggs. By putting aside money as a nest egg, you hope it will grow and make more money.

LH: 噢,我明白了,窝里的蛋原来指的是假蛋,放在那里骗家禽多生蛋的,用来指钱,就好像是中文里说的钱生钱的意思,放在银行定期存款里就是个办法。

LL: Yes, my parents have done this. But, they have also invested some of their nest egg in the stock market.

LH: 投资股市可有风险,我就听说过很多老年人投资股市,结果赔得一干二净。

LL: It can be, but my parents aren't investing in the stock market on their own. They have an investment company that is helping them manage their nest egg.

LH: 那就好,等我开始在百货商店打工了,I hope I'll have a nest egg, too.

LL: Well, I am building a nest egg to someday buy a house. What about you, Li Hua? What is your nest egg for?

LH: 我先得存点钱应急,万一哪天车坏了或是生一场大病,手里有钱心里就踏实多了。

LL: That's a good plan. My older brother wants to build a nest egg for his children.

LH: Wait a minute, Larry. 你哥哥不是没孩子吗?

LL: You are right, Li Hua, but he has recently gotten married, and he and his wife want to have children. They will need to have a big nest egg for that!

LH: 是啊,养孩子真的需要很多钱,特别是大学学费,做父母的确实需要提前做好准备。

LL: Yes, they won't just need a chicken-sized nest egg - they'll need an ostrich-sized nest egg!

