My Dear Shu-Wu[1], May 14
Your letter gives me a joyful surprise[2]. Your English is astonishingly good. This is not "flannel" or "butter"[3] but my sincere opinion (my hand upon my heart!). The idea found from your version of Chairmans statement is, to say the least, quite unjust[4]. Perhaps your hand is recovering some of its old cunning momentarily lost through long lack of practice[5]. At any rate, it would be a pity-nay, a sin, a crime[6]-to let your[7] English get rusty and become finally unserviceable.
Yours in haste
By a slip of pen, you wrote "allocation" instead of "Collocation"[9]. This is a mere peccadillo. Dont let meticulousness about such trifles cramp your s^tyle.
又及,由于笔误,你把collocation写成allocation. 这只是一个小错。别把这些小事看得过重,变得谨小慎微,妨碍你写作方式的完善。
1、My Dear ……是英语书信的一种格式,并不非译出来不可。这里可译作:书武。林书武当时是中国社会科学院语言研究所研究人员。1970年冬,下放河南息县劳动锻炼,在那段时间跟钱钟书有过一段交往。此信写于1971年5月。
2、a joyful surprise: 又惊又喜。英语的短语,译成汉语时往往变成动词短语。
3、flannel, 花言巧语。此信中用双引号有两处。第一处有“所谓的”的意思,注8为第二处,意指原词。
4、这是一个复杂句,但并不难分析。要说的是:"to say the least",是个插入语;英语句子常用插入语。例如: Your composition, to put it bluntly, is ill written.你的作文,坦率地说,写得很不好。
5、momentarily lost修饰cunning. through long lack of practice, 这里又是名词短语变作译文中动词短语的例子。
6、sin和crime, 几乎是同义词。这里连用,旨在加强语气。
9、Co 底下加二道短横线,意为要注意。