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  1. 海南华侨宾馆        Overseas Chinese in Hainan hotel

  2. 海口奥斯罗克大酒店  Haikou Roek hotel then

       3. 海南海油菜大厦      Sea rape mansion of Hainan

  4. 海口兴华园酒店      Revitalize garden hotels of China in Haikou

  5. 海口宝华海景大酒店  Seascape hotel of China of the treasure of Haikou

  6. 海口国际金融大酒店  Hotel of international finance of Haikou

  7. 海口新温泉国际大酒店 New international hotel of hot spring of Haikou

  8. 海南华运凯莱大饭店  China of Hainan transports the triumphant giant hotel of fields lying fallow in rotation

  9. 海口海润大酒店      Moisten the hotel in the sea of Haikou

  10. 海星云龙湾度假村   Dragon's gulf holiday village of starfish cloud


  1. 河北世纪饭店        Hotel of Hebei century

  2. 河北中国大酒店      Chinese hotel of Hebei

  3. 河北正定国豪大酒店    Hebei is booking the bold hotel of the country

  4. 河北人防大厦          People's air defense mansion of Hebei

  5. 石家庄国宾大酒店      State guest in Shijiazhuang hotel

  6. 石家庄世贸皇冠酒店    Imperial crown hotels of World Trade Organization of Shijiazhuang

  7. 石家庄中京大酒店      Hotel of Beijing in Shijiazhuang

  8. 金圆大厦              Round mansion of gold

  9. 石家庄国际大厦        International Building of Shijiazhuang

  10. 中京大酒店           Hotel of Beijing of China


  1. 郑州天泉大酒店        Day spring hotel of Zhengzhou

  2. 龙门大酒店            Hotel of Longmen

  3. 巩义市宾馆            Hotel of Gongyi

  4. 欧亚大酒店            Hotel of Eurasia

  5. 中都饭店              Hotel of China

  6. 郑州生茂饭店          Grow the luxuriant hotel in Zhengzhou

  7. 河南民航大酒店        Hotel of civil aviation of Henan

  8. 济源雅士达酒店        The refined scholar in Jiyuan reaches hotels

  9. 河南民航大酒店(郑州)   Hotel of civil aviation of Henan (Zhengzhou)

  10. 中州皇冠宾馆         Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou
