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The electronic cards are the favorite with Web users with their advantages of being free in charge, being environmentally-friendly and being fast in delivery.

Thailand is Asia’s largest production base for pirated CDs, with an annual production of 60 million copies.

Shanghai government has issued a new policy on registered permanent residence for qualified non-Shanghai residents with the aim of accelerating economic and social development.

By 2050, the old people in China will reach 400 million, accounting for on fifth that of the world.

There are 400 million mobile phones in use globally with another 250,000 new users added every day.

The walkman has been selling well for two decades since its introduction, with 200 million having been sold globally.




1.译文:The fact that private cars are competing with commodity houses to be the first consideration in peoples consumption itself shows that the traditional idea of sticking to a certain place is challenged. The purchase of commodity houses is a kind of inflation proof investment. By limiting people in an isolated space, houses provide a type of conservative lifestyle. The purchase of private cars, however, is greatly different in that the private cars can easily take people to remoter places and into larger societies to have a wider communication in the city, no matter socially or spiritually, although the cars begin to devalue the very moment people buy them.

2.译文:To charge for the use of email boxes has become a practice well accepted. That is in sharp contrast with the past when the various websites were blamed fiercely by the netizens simply because these websites attempted to charge the email box services. The cyber games operators followed a different way by charging for their service the very moment the players begin to use them. Despite of the existence of some bad operators, the players are satisfied with most operators and are ready to pay for their consumption.
Websites are fully confident of the attraction of their games. The only worry of us is that you do not want to try the cyber games, because you can never give it up once you have begun.Li Ciquan, general manager of Yiquan said.

3.译文:SMS enjoys the greatest revolution in
Japan. Sociologists and psychologists are shocked at the scene down in the subway or up on the streets in Tokyo: thousands of people, the young with their hair dyed in different colors, the housewives tending for the whole family, and the salarymen with their serious appearance, are busy with their pressing on the buttons of the various mobile phones.After getting to the platform provides by DoCoMo, the mobile operator, they can, on the net, chat, send or receive emails, exchange photos, listen to music, have fortune-telling, play games, make appointments, or even buy flowers or sell stocks. In fact, SMS ceases to be something merely fashionable. Instead, it offers one of the best ways of communication, entertainment and lifestyle.
