All the live-long day
I've been working on the railroad
Just to pass the time away
Can't you hear the whistle blowing?
Raise up so early in the mom
Can't you hear the captain shouting
"Dinah, blow your hom!"
Dinah, won't you blow?
Dinah, won't you blow?
Dinah, won't you blow your hom?
Dinah, won't you blow?
Dinah, won't you blow?
Dinah, won't you blow your hom?
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Someone's in the kitchen, I know
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinan
Strummin' on the old banjo
And he's singn'
Strummin' on the old banjo, oh
Strummin' on the old banjo
I've been working on the railroad
All the live-long day
I've been working on the railroad
Just to pass the time away
Can't you hear the whistle blowing?
Raise up so early in the mom
Can't you hear the captain shouting
"Dinah, blow your hom
Dinah, blow your hom
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