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a tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. he was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed to

a tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. he was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. the two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad's heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. but the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. he couldn't please her whim. from her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him.


  a tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. said the two to their tutor, "is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"


  all i want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but i just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. if i can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, i'll have a cup of tea!


  amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.


  are our oars oak?


a big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.

  a big black bug bit a big black bear. where's the big black bear the big black bug bit?


  a bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. and the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "i'm a bitter biter bit, alack!"


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