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  To crunch the numbers 计数

  to do the mathematical calculations required in a business assessment


  The new product development idea sounded good but our president didn't want to comment on it until our accounting department had crunched the numbers and made a report to her.

  Span of control 管理幅度

  the number of people that one manager can supervise effectively


  When two of our company managers quit suddenly last month, the other two had their span of control doubled, which made problems for everyone.

  Take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险

  IDIOM to face a problem and solve it, usually by taking leadership and making necessary decisions


  The old company needed a vigorous new manager who would take the bull by the horns, making the tough decisions and important changes the firm's old manager feared to think about.

  Take-home pay 扣税后的实得工资

  the money an employee receives after taxes, dues, savings contributions, or other monies have been deduced from his or her gross pay


  I have so many deductions from my paycheck each month that my take-home pay is only 60% of my salary.

  Team building 团队建立

  a method, and related theory in management, emphasizing employee morale, interpersonal communications, and mutual respect as key elements of a successful business


  The XYZ Company's new president increased worker productivity by starting team building activities such as role-playing, communications workshops, and off-site retreats.
